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  • When in China I ate dog. It was considered a delicacy. Nothing delicate about it! Tough Stuff! (And those dogs are raised as a food source. They aren't pets. They were young and as tender as they could be according to what was considered the prop…
  • When in China I ate dog. It was considered a delicacy. Nothing delicate about it! Tough Stuff! (And those dogs are raised as a food source. They aren't pets. They were young and as tender as they could be according to what was considered the prop…
  • Hi speech to students was purely political and designed to disarm his opponents, not an indication of a change of heart. Simple answer to that question: Don't listen to what he says. Look at the legislation he proposes and signs into law. He i…
  • The situation is quite different. Rosa Parks rejected injustice. Kim Davis is refusing to do her job. If you can show us why refusing to grant equal Rights to people who are responsible citizens is a a just act then I might think Kim Davis is som…
  • I would start with your local branch of the American Legion. I am Canadian and really admire the work they do. They will give you a head start.
  • I would start with your local branch of the American Legion. I am Canadian and really admire the work they do. They will give you a head start.
  • I would start with your local branch of the American Legion. I am Canadian and really admire the work they do. They will give you a head start.
  • The situation is quite different. Rosa Parks rejected injustice. Kim Davis is refusing to do her job. If you can show us why refusing to grant equal Rights to people who are responsible citizens is a a just act then I might think Kim Davis is som…
  • The situation is quite different. Rosa Parks rejected injustice. Kim Davis is refusing to do her job. If you can show us why refusing to grant equal Rights to people who are responsible citizens is a a just act then I might think Kim Davis is som…