how to contact a Vietnam veteran?

Hi I'm doing a project on the Tet offensive, and I would like to contact a vet on information about it. An officer would be best, if I could ask them a few questions by email, but anyone who went to Vietnam with the military would work. If someone could give me a website or something, that would work.


P.S. my main goal is to determine the U.S.'s plans after the Tet offensive, because I know Gen. Westmoreland had asked for more troops after Tet, so was he planning on launching a large counterattack or something? Or did the military know this was there last major conflict of the war?


  • First off TET 68 was fought all over S. Viet Nam. Is one of the most documented military operations ever written about and you have questions you cannot find an answer for????

    Just in case no one pops up it is really simple:

    They attacked...they being the NLF and PAVN.

    Instead of a popular uprising of S Vietnamese to the communist cause it created a overwhelming number of new volunteers to join ARVN.

    Neither PAVN or NLF had one single victory.

    As they were all hauling *** for Cambodia and Laos the US Press claimed them the winners....or in mil speak Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...over!

    Good Luck kid...PS there was more than one!

  • To contact a Vietnam Vet you could yell fairly, fairly loud. heavily like the guy above me stated, VFW, American Legion. i'm a great deal surprised you dont have a Vietnam Vet contained in the relatives.

  • Ring your local RSL and ask if you could post a message on their noticeboard or speak with someone on the local committee.

  • I would start with your local branch of the American Legion. I am Canadian and really admire the work they do. They will give you a head start.

  • Try "The Wall" located on the Mall in DC.........................

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