Is President Obama a conservative?

Sounded to me like a conservative if I didn't know who was delivering it. So doesn't that make all those protesting the speech look dumb.


Right wingers are to funny saying he changed a bunch of things. Please provide source other than a right wing propoganda web site.


  • Obama is actually more conservative than any president I can remember of either party, before Reagan. Clinton was too.

    For many years the Republicans used the word 'liberal' to mean anything they didn't like or anyone they disagreed with. For instance, Newt Gingrich called Clinton 'the most liberal president in American history', and you might expect more from a guy like Gingrich with a PhD in American History. Clinton wasn't really even liberal at all, he was more conservative than Nixon in many ways, certainly more than Eisenhower. What Gingrich meant was only that he really didn't like Clinton.

    In recent years the word 'liberal' has totally lost its meaning, so now they use the word 'socialist'. 90% of the people you see throwing that word around here on Y/A apparently have no idea what it means. It just means that they really don't like Obama. But they wouldn't like -any- Democratic president any better, they'd say the same things about him.

  • Hi speech to students was purely political and designed to disarm his opponents, not an indication of a change of heart.

    Simple answer to that question: Don't listen to what he says.

    Look at the legislation he proposes and signs into law.

    He is very far to the Left.

    He is also a very good liar.

    If students follow his advice given today, they will succeed in life and will vote him, and everyone like him, out of political office.

  • His poll numbers are sliding, pal. It's time for Obama to stop the freeflow bleeding and start sounding more conservative. It's an act of desperation.

  • His Tricle Down economics seems just as Conservative as Reagan's.

  • No and No.

    First let me say that after I read 0bama's latest speech I sent mine to school. If he sticks to it it is something they need to hear. If not I will repair the damage when they get home.

    0bama brought this on himself though. His original plan was to give a partisan speech to children. By his own words. Then if that wasn't enough he sent out lesson plans calling for students to tell him how they would help him. The two together caused the uproar. It wasn't until parents complained that he changed his plans. If you can't see that well then you don't want to. Something that seems to afflict 0bama supporters.

  • HE CHANGED IT...where have you been? Look at the ORIGINAL ONE and the workbook and the homework...and that he was only addressing pre k to 6th grade and had to stop that too....

    Dem's..just like your leader...change things....that doesn't mean a lie by omission isn't still a lie!

  • left center

  • Only in regards to gay marriage.

  • Wash your mouth out with soap! If he was any more Liberal his name would be Stalin!

  • Like any politician his real ideology is opportunist.

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