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  • No puppy as 3 dogs in a house of 6 people is plenty, but negotiate something else from him for failing to honor his side of the 'deal'. A little Pom for yourself may be borderline possible but not a big dog.
  • No puppy as 3 dogs in a house of 6 people is plenty, but negotiate something else from him for failing to honor his side of the 'deal'. A little Pom for yourself may be borderline possible but not a big dog.
  • Some dogs have sleep-startle aggression; leave them alone.
  • Some dogs have sleep-startle aggression; leave them alone.
  • You have picked a tough one there. I think what you need to do is have one or both of your characters suffer an episode of amnesia so that there can no longer be any presupposition. So maybe you'd get "Ravens? Whatever they really are..." …
  • Change his diet to one based on a different meat source like going from lamb to turkey or fish. If you smell ammonia on his breath and he drinks more than usual, have the vet check kidney function.
  • That shot was taken in what we call "The Blue" hour which is just before twilight is gone. It enables you to shoot at something like f8, 1/10th second at ISO 1600. Real night with dark sky will need higher ISO or wider aperture and will be…
  • What Elaine said. I had a Greyhound get out when an elderly relative answered the door without thinking. Waste of time chasing or shouting. With that one I knew car rides were her absolute favorite thing so I got her attention by jingling the car…
  • What Elaine said. I had a Greyhound get out when an elderly relative answered the door without thinking. Waste of time chasing or shouting. With that one I knew car rides were her absolute favorite thing so I got her attention by jingling the car…
  • What Elaine said. I had a Greyhound get out when an elderly relative answered the door without thinking. Waste of time chasing or shouting. With that one I knew car rides were her absolute favorite thing so I got her attention by jingling the car…
  • What Elaine said. I had a Greyhound get out when an elderly relative answered the door without thinking. Waste of time chasing or shouting. With that one I knew car rides were her absolute favorite thing so I got her attention by jingling the car…
  • Most devices have internal memory in which most of the important apps are held. Many of them won't permit being moved to memory card anyway. So go back into settings and scroll to your apps. Empty the memory caches where allowed. Move less popul…
  • Most devices have internal memory in which most of the important apps are held. Many of them won't permit being moved to memory card anyway. So go back into settings and scroll to your apps. Empty the memory caches where allowed. Move less popul…
  • Random illness. Child behaving inappropriately around dog with regard to personal space and waking from sleep etc. Respect his opinion. Show him how he can read dogs body language more accuratetly than he does now. See (cartoons): http://drsoph…
  • Random illness. Child behaving inappropriately around dog with regard to personal space and waking from sleep etc. Respect his opinion. Show him how he can read dogs body language more accuratetly than he does now. See (cartoons): http://drsoph…
  • All I do is rephotograph them using a DSLR with image stabilisation in reflection-free North Light. Results tend to be better than using a nasty old scanner, except for colour transparencies. You need the photos to stay flat and to do that you may…
  • All I do is rephotograph them using a DSLR with image stabilisation in reflection-free North Light. Results tend to be better than using a nasty old scanner, except for colour transparencies. You need the photos to stay flat and to do that you may…
  • It could be a retinal migraine. Desist from staring at the computer so long. See your doctor if the condition becomes more frequent.
  • There is no such thing as a safe or fake suicide attempt because it further damages your self esteem and makes it even more difficult for people to help the real you. Your IQ of 138 may actually be based on being brilliant (even savant-like) in c…
  • There is no such thing as a safe or fake suicide attempt because it further damages your self esteem and makes it even more difficult for people to help the real you. Your IQ of 138 may actually be based on being brilliant (even savant-like) in c…
  • It could be a retinal migraine. Desist from staring at the computer so long. See your doctor if the condition becomes more frequent.
  • All I do is rephotograph them using a DSLR with image stabilisation in reflection-free North Light. Results tend to be better than using a nasty old scanner, except for colour transparencies. You need the photos to stay flat and to do that you may…
  • Most devices have internal memory in which most of the important apps are held. Many of them won't permit being moved to memory card anyway. So go back into settings and scroll to your apps. Empty the memory caches where allowed. Move less popul…
  • Random illness. Child behaving inappropriately around dog with regard to personal space and waking from sleep etc. Respect his opinion. Show him how he can read dogs body language more accuratetly than he does now. See (cartoons): http://drsoph…
  • Most devices have internal memory in which most of the important apps are held. Many of them won't permit being moved to memory card anyway. So go back into settings and scroll to your apps. Empty the memory caches where allowed. Move less popul…
  • What Elaine said. I had a Greyhound get out when an elderly relative answered the door without thinking. Waste of time chasing or shouting. With that one I knew car rides were her absolute favorite thing so I got her attention by jingling the car…
  • What Elaine said. I had a Greyhound get out when an elderly relative answered the door without thinking. Waste of time chasing or shouting. With that one I knew car rides were her absolute favorite thing so I got her attention by jingling the car…
  • What Elaine said. I had a Greyhound get out when an elderly relative answered the door without thinking. Waste of time chasing or shouting. With that one I knew car rides were her absolute favorite thing so I got her attention by jingling the car…
  • That shot was taken in what we call "The Blue" hour which is just before twilight is gone. It enables you to shoot at something like f8, 1/10th second at ISO 1600. Real night with dark sky will need higher ISO or wider aperture and will be…
  • Change his diet to one based on a different meat source like going from lamb to turkey or fish. If you smell ammonia on his breath and he drinks more than usual, have the vet check kidney function.