Occasional temporary blindness?

Every now and then I'll be playing a game, on the computer, or in school when suddenly I notice I have a blind spot right near the center of my right eye, then as I notice it, a few minutes later my peripheral vision is completely blurry making it difficult to read and just generally look at anything. When this happens I force myself to sleep seeing as that's the only thing that's been working. It's been an hour and my eyes were significantly blind, I rode my bike through town for a few minutes, watching for traffic was horrifically challenging.

It seems to be psychological, it only takes full effect when I notice it, and it only goes away when I completely forget about it, such as when I wake up.

Does anyone know why this happens, how to heal it during, or prevent it from happening?


  • I didn't read anything except the title: GO TO THE DOCTOR.

  • final I heard, Marijuana replaced into cool with Jesus and the Scriptures. I study the Bible for weeks on a similar time as I nevertheless maintained a weed habit. Now as for the Bible being against Marijuana, the Bible says to obey the guidelines of the land. whether it relatively is against the regulation, then it relatively is forbidden by God. whether it relatively is legalized, then that is as much as the judgment of right and incorrect of each and every Christian. even though nevertheless all issues are legal, all issues are actually not inevitably rewarding.

  • It could be a retinal migraine. Desist from staring at the computer so long. See your doctor if the condition becomes more frequent.

  • u should go to your doctor

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