Me and my dad made a deal ?

So I am a 13 year old girl and I have asked for a puppy every couple months sine I was 8 years old. This year my dad finally made a deal with me. The deal was if I found a free puppy and saved enough money to buy the shots and food and such, I could have one If I followed the stipulations. The rules were I had to behave and do my chores every day without fighting for a few months. Well I have behaves since may and have done my chores for the most part, occasional fighting, sometimes not done. We currently have 3 dogs ( a pomeranian and two english bulldogs) but I want a puppy of my own. The Pom is my mom and youngest sisters and the bullies belong to my dad two brothers and other little sister. So I don't have a dog because the one i considered mine which was really my moms died 2 years ago . But I really want this and my dad says we don't have enough room. We live in an 800 square foot single family home with 6 constant live In people. I think we have enough room since we have a basement with not a single dog in it. I am prepared to pay for it on my own and care for it including potty training and crate training. How do I get my dad to hold up his end of the deal?


  • Often remind him that its almost time to get a puppy. If he doesn't hold up his end of the deal tell him that you've worked your butt of for this puppy and that he made a deal.

    If he tells you "No" then tell him that you have no trust in him anymore for not keeping a deal.

  • You already have three dogs and only an 800 ft. home and you want another?? Why did your dad make such a crazy deal?

    While it stinks when people go back on their word (he never should have agreed in the first place), he's right about space. Dogs are living animals, and you don't want to adopt a dog into a home where he wouldn't have his needs met. That sounds like a bad environment for a dog, and it would be selfish to adopt one until you move out on your own.

  • No puppy as 3 dogs in a house of 6 people is plenty, but negotiate something else from him for failing to honor his side of the 'deal'. A little Pom for yourself may be borderline possible but not a big dog.

  • You are a spoiled little brat

    As a minor there is no way you will be able to save up enough money to get the dog all its vax and have it spayed\neutered or pay for its food

    You already have three dogs but you selfishly want another one you can't even financially take care of.

    You have a small house and won't have room for another dog. You can't afford a dog. You want a dog for purely selfish reasons and want to keep the dog in the basement.

    There would be no way in hell I would allow you to get a dog. You don't need another dog at all, esapily since you wont take care of it and are not financially capable of caring for it. Your father can't be convinced to get you a dog that you want to keep in a basement.

  • A puppy is a big reaponsibility and at 13 how can you pay for everything it needs? Say the pup really hurts himself and exceeds the limit on your insurance how will you pay to get him help?

    Also are you prepared to get up every 2hours at night with him when he cries and wants to play. Will you be firm enough with him he wont stay a pup forever. Maybe you should love what is already in your household. Adults make deals at times hoping youl forget.

  • Wow. You have 3 dogs and your complaining about "not having one"? 800 sq feet with already 3 dogs and 6 people. Just stop. You have no room for a dog, and already have 3.

  • soo..........long.......... Jk just tell him a deal is a deal and that you will never trust him again if he doesnt

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