How do I (safely) fake a suicide attempt?

I need a safe but convincing way to fake an attempted suicide. I am not scared of pain, needles or cutting so most ways will be doable. Any suggestions?

I do not want to risk dying or risk any serious lasting damage.

The reason I need to know is because I have bad issues. Pretty harsh mental abuse all the way trough childhood have left marks that I can not live with, not in a humane way.

But because I am smart, don't give up easily, want to make something out of life and am not an emo or a slacker... No one will actually help me, I've been seriously, actively looking for counceling for about 4 years now and have been turned down everywhere for reasons varying from "you don't need help" and "you seem smart/strong enough to deal with it yourself" to "sorry these problems are too severe for me to work with" and "you are not ready to face this yet"

Yes, if I wasn't smart and strong I would've died or gone insane and the problems are indeed severe, they are suffocating me. I have a IQ of 138 yet I study at the lowest education level in my country and I am 4 years behind on my peers because I have been kept out of school for half my life. I barely manage to get my meals in on a day, I can't manage to clean propperly or even take propper care of me, I need darn help, no matter how smart I seem!

So I really need a way to get the message across that I DO need help and that it DOES have to happen soon too, cause it is slowly killing me inside, I need to work my issues out and can not do it alone, Goddess knows I tried.


I am 25 years old and honestly have tried getting several licensed therapists to treat me. I've tried about all that my health insurance will cover (they have a list of approved therapists)

Am kinda out of options here, only way is to force one that first rejected me to see me anyway.


  • I am a trained therapist, and part of our training includes under going therapy. So whoever you approached for therapy and turned you away, seems very odd. I have friends going to therapy for simple things like bored housewife syndrome, to masturbating too often.

    My point is, seek out a proper therapist. Faking your own suicide in itself shows you are disturbed deeply. I do not mean this in a harsh way, but this is not stable behaviour. I do hope you seek out therapy soon.

  • There is no such thing as a safe or fake suicide attempt because it further damages your self esteem and makes it even more difficult for people to help the real you.

    Your IQ of 138 may actually be based on being brilliant (even savant-like) in certain areas but below par in others - it's just a number, not something to judge you by or use to deny help. Likewise your ability to write is not something to hold against you; some people can only communicate well via the written word.

    Print out the question and additions in your question here and send it to a qualified therapist, saying this is how you know you feel. It would be more than their carreer's worth to refuse to have someone talk with you.

  • I was in therapy and heavily medicated for several years. I stopped about two years ago, when a therapist told me this.

    "You are never going to get over depression, it will always be with you, what therapy teaches you is how to live with it".. I kinda woke up and went oh depression, feeling anxious, sad, scared, out of control is part of life and being human. There are other human experiences to have in life, love, excitement, joy. I decided to do it on my own. This was my path, you will have your own. but don't attempt an attempted suicide, cause your life is worth more than that risk.

    Please listen to video on link, listening to some of these stories helped me.

  • No No No NO, do not even attempt to "fake" a suicide attempt. You say you are actively seeking counseling.

    All you do is look up one in the phone book and make an appointment. I have never known a counselor to turn someone down because they seem smart enough to handle things. If they think someone else would be able to help you more, then ask them to refer you. Tell them you have suicidal thoughts.

    How old are you? Can you get a job? Pray about it all, as God is with you and all you need to do is ask him. I will be praying for you to.

  • It's really impossible to "safely" fake a suicide attempt. Try just going to a therapist and telling them you're suicidal. That should do the trick. Seriously. If anyone turns you away for that, they are just a crappy therapist.

  • I have never heard of anyone being turned away for those reasons.

    YOu have to keep trying to find the right help for yourself. Ask people trained in it, they will knowl.

    Here is a free version of a healing method that is working very well on anyone with childhood abuse , and many other things, to neutrailize it and resolve it quickly so they can get on with life. The directions are simple and in the frree downaloadable manual. YOu can get started right now on removing your problems . or hire a therapist at

    It is free........try it. Write down everything bothering you, even if it is hundreds of things , and clear them out

    find positive support

    best wishes

  • go up to the top of a building and tell everyone your gonna jump. have an inflatable castle in the parking lot next to the building. jump from the building to the castle, but be sure to test it with a watermelon first.

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