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  • It's wise to be alarmed because you're getting an accurate glimpse of this guy's environment, an environment that has shaped his identity from birth. It will be difficult for him to modify behavior he has seen modeled all of his life even though he …
  • You could benefit from a mild change of perspective...maybe I can help. "Failing" really means that you're eliminating things that don't work from your menu of's a very methodical, scientific approach that shouldn't be taken p…
  • You could benefit from a mild change of perspective...maybe I can help. "Failing" really means that you're eliminating things that don't work from your menu of's a very methodical, scientific approach that shouldn't be taken p…
  • It's not failing; it is a mediocre grade that indicates your grasp of the material on which you were reporting wasn't as good as it could have been, but it is not failing. Did you not understand what you read, or did you just have trouble organizing…
  • It's not failing; it is a mediocre grade that indicates your grasp of the material on which you were reporting wasn't as good as it could have been, but it is not failing. Did you not understand what you read, or did you just have trouble organizing…
  • It's not failing; it is a mediocre grade that indicates your grasp of the material on which you were reporting wasn't as good as it could have been, but it is not failing. Did you not understand what you read, or did you just have trouble organizing…
  • You could benefit from a mild change of perspective...maybe I can help. "Failing" really means that you're eliminating things that don't work from your menu of's a very methodical, scientific approach that shouldn't be taken p…