
I need it. I'm sick of failing. I want to succeed but I can't get myself motivated. I feel stupid, like I can succeed at anything. I don't have any talents or social life. I know I want to make it somewhere in life instead of standing behind a counter taking peoples orders. And I don't have any self-asteem... what can I do to get courage, make myself motivated in my school work, and get out and make a social life?


  • Me too. I just yesterday had contact with a person named "hbar12" in this room who is going to forward a couple of websites to me that might help us work on these issues, and I will forward them to you. The most important thing is for us to learn to have more positive thought processes, and that's easier said than done. I will get back to you as soon as I hear from hbar12. Hang in there.

  • The very fact that you want to improve means that you are heading towards success. I used to like a quote , i hope u like and derive meaning from it

    Failure does not mean you are a failure

    It just means that you haven't succeeded yet

    Failure does not mean you have accomplished nothing

    It means that you have learned something

    Failure does not mean you will never make it

    It means it will take a little longer

    Failure does not mean you have been a fool

    It does mean you have had a lot of faith

    Failure does not mean you are wrong

    It does mean you are not perfect

    Failure does not mean you have made a mistake

    It does mean that you have to do it a different way

    Failure does not mean that God has abandoned you

    It does mean that God has a better way

    So friend just relax yourself b'coz no one can influence your mind better than yourself, If you have decided that you are going to win, You sure are going to win, there is no doubt about it. But if you doubt yourself, no amount of advice is going to help.

    Put in the required effort , confidence wil automaticaly find you,

    God created you to be someone special, he has loaded you with talents, maybe it will take time to discover them. But remember you are born to win. Never ever lose hope

  • You could benefit from a mild change of perspective...maybe I can help. "Failing" really means that you're eliminating things that don't work from your menu of's a very methodical, scientific approach that shouldn't be taken personally. (Thomas Edison was famous for his insights into failures as being constructive catalysts into further learning and forward progress....because he didn't take it personally, it was just one more necessary link in an evolutionary chain). As for talents, you don't recognize the talents you have because you don't know yourself well enough yet. But as you discover the full scope of how you learn (unique to you and apart from what other people may do) your achievements will amaze you as they amass exponentially. You cannot take a conventional D-cell flashlight and use it with A/C wall will fail to operate everytime. There's plenty of power there...more than enough, in fact, but it's useless to you in its present form. But you slap in a few D-cell batteries of D/C current and you've got all the power you need, and the flashlight will work reliably throughout the life of those cells. Now, power is power, but the configuration of the gear on which it is used must be compatible for the unit to receive it and function normally. In the same way, you need information given to you in ways you can process it, then you will likewise perform and achieve at a staggering rate. (So, now that we've established that, do you learn best by reading, listening, using a hands-on approach, or a combination or blend of all three?) Once you know that definitively, it's a far simpler matter to ensure that you are instructed in whatever you try to learn in ways you can handle and excel at. And that by itself will solve the self-esteem issues. As for motivation, it's difficult to propel yourself to get up and waste time. If I asked you to get up tomorrow morning at 3am and do "something" the chances of that actually happening aren't very good, and I don't blame you. On the other hand, if I asked you to get up at 3am tomorrow and help me count a basket full of 50 dollar bills while it's quiet and you can keep 50% of what's counted, you'd probably show up at 2:45am! The point is, the key to motivation is having a specific impetus to act that is appealing and that will sustain you through any discomfort associated with the act. Why do people work overtime? Time and a half! Otherwise, they'd just as soon go home at the end of a regular shift. Having a specific outcome or expectation sustains motivation...once you know what excites you relative to your schoolwork, you'll know how to manipulate your behavior for optimal performance, but you're a reasonable person and you're not going to just spring into action for nothing. Lastly, speaking to courage: courage is fear management, and in this case the more information you have, the less there is to as you're discovering how you "learn" and responding accordingly, all these other residual concerns will fall by the wayside. Yes, there are some unique challenges, but they're not nearly as big as you imagined them to be once you know the ABCs of the equation. It's a great time to be can do this! Good luck.

  • i do some self motivation, like...every single day... it makes me have more self-esteem and believe in myself that i can do everything if i just...believe. everybody have TALENT! don't give up so easily! talent is not only about art, sport, math, science, or whatever it is, man! if you are out going and very social, it's a talent! not everybody can do that! if you know what is the plus and minus in yourself, you recognise your "inside", it's a talent! if you have the heart to take care of animals and plants, it's a talent! talent can be abstrack and it is! you should do some instropection too, though. i have been doing it for 2 or 3 years and i get better and better in my study and relationship with my friends and famz. fyi, i wasn't a really nice person, but i try to understand others and mostly...myself. and it works...

  • If this is not a disguised homework assignment, and if you want a solution that doesn't involve subservience to a deity, money, or belief, email me. If it is a disguised homework assignment, you probably feel like a snickerer with all the sincere well informed responses.

  • courage has nothing to do with being brave. it is in believing in yourself that you can do it and TAKE ACTION OR THAT FIRST STEP into doing it. the realization that you may fail should not deter you or stop you. even if your not sure of yourself.

    as for the items in your self-deprecation you need a friend for that.

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