Is a 75% or a C a passing grade? ?

i got a 75=C on my book report. is that failing?


  • thats an average score. You passed! If you were in a community college trying to get into an university than you would have to re-do that course.

  • It's not failing; it is a mediocre grade that indicates your grasp of the material on which you were reporting wasn't as good as it could have been, but it is not failing. Did you not understand what you read, or did you just have trouble organizing your thoughts cohesively to complete your report? It's an important, non-judgmental question because it has two separate remedies based on your answer. If you just didn't understand the book, reading it again or buying the Cliff Notes that accompany the book may give you some additional insights. If you just have trouble with reports in general, the key is composing a good outline that highlights points you intend to stress, then sticking to that format as you develop your report. (There is very valuable outline composing help available in most English/Literature textbooks. Yes, we all HATED doing outlines, but in the end they save you hours of confusion and grief).

    The good news is, a"C" is very much a passing grade, so you don't have to worry about the specter of failing. You're free to focus you efforts into doing even better next time, and with a bit of academic strategy used well, you will. Good luck, and have a nice day.

  • its passing, but always aim higher, its average. aim for a B and sooner than later you will see A's. Good luck

  • It is a average score.

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