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  • Same way as you resize a selection in most previous versions of Photoshop. Click Select > Transform Selection
  • Same way as you resize a selection in most previous versions of Photoshop. Click Select > Transform Selection
  • It's the sound of the autofocus motor working. If the camera has a manual focus, then use that. Alternatively record the sound using another device, and sync the audio track with the video in your video editing software. You can buy digital aud…
  • Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji condemned the caste system. Any Sikh should not relate themselves to the caste system as it is used by Hindus.
  • If it's a crap picture - you can't turn it into a professional looking photograph. Skin and eyes are eyes are easy with a good photo, but making a silk purse from a sows ear is impossible. Whats With All The Capital Letters, Isn't Your Pinky T…
  • If GIMP has crashed, and you didn't save your work, then it's gone. You can't recover work you didn't save, because the data was never saved in the first place. If the program isn't responding to your clicks, then it has crashed. You will need to…
  • If GIMP has crashed, and you didn't save your work, then it's gone. You can't recover work you didn't save, because the data was never saved in the first place. If the program isn't responding to your clicks, then it has crashed. You will need to…
  • Select the brush tool. Then in the tool options dialog, click on Brush Dynamics, deselect any of the ticks beside where it says "pressure".
  • you upload pictures to facebook. You need to save the image as a jpg (or png) first.
  • A Exploração do pau-brasil Por volta de 1515, a imensa concentração de árvores, denominadas de pau-brasil, presente no território brasileiro era conhecida pelos europeus. Esses extraiam da planta um pigmento de coloração vermelha, seu uso era …
  • "the files" is plural, so you need to say, "and they are very informative . . ." that's the only problem I can see.
  • First of all you need to crop the image to an exact square - or you will squish and distort the image when you resize. Select the crop tool in GIMP, in the tool options select the Fixed: aspect ratio option. In the box underneath type 1:1 then cl…
  • First of all you need to crop the image to an exact square - or you will squish and distort the image when you resize. Select the crop tool in GIMP, in the tool options select the Fixed: aspect ratio option. In the box underneath type 1:1 then cl…
  • The last sentence as you have it currently is not a complete sentence. Try: "Every aspect of our lives, from the allegedly trivial, like the clothes that we buy to those of the utmost importance, such as the way we are treated in the workfor…
  • You don't need to rescale the image - in fact if you do that in GIMP or in Photoshop, that's a classic beginner mistake. Resizing, or resampling images in an image editor always degrades the quality of the image. So you have to be careful not to …
  • For free the best image editor is GIMP - it can do 99% of the same stuff as Adobe Photoshop CS5. GIMP is Open Source software, free, legal and safe - as long as you get it from the official website. If GIMP is too complex,…
  • neste site explica tudo sobre as estações...olha lá e boa sorte
  • neste site explica tudo sobre as estações...olha lá e boa sorte
  • For free the best image editor is GIMP - it can do 99% of the same stuff as Adobe Photoshop CS5. GIMP is Open Source software, free, legal and safe - as long as you get it from the official website. If GIMP is too complex,…
  • You don't need to rescale the image - in fact if you do that in GIMP or in Photoshop, that's a classic beginner mistake. Resizing, or resampling images in an image editor always degrades the quality of the image. So you have to be careful not to …
  • The last sentence as you have it currently is not a complete sentence. Try: "Every aspect of our lives, from the allegedly trivial, like the clothes that we buy to those of the utmost importance, such as the way we are treated in the workfor…
  • The last sentence as you have it currently is not a complete sentence. Try: "Every aspect of our lives, from the allegedly trivial, like the clothes that we buy to those of the utmost importance, such as the way we are treated in the workfor…
  • First of all you need to crop the image to an exact square - or you will squish and distort the image when you resize. Select the crop tool in GIMP, in the tool options select the Fixed: aspect ratio option. In the box underneath type 1:1 then cl…
  • "the files" is plural, so you need to say, "and they are very informative . . ." that's the only problem I can see.
  • A Exploração do pau-brasil Por volta de 1515, a imensa concentração de árvores, denominadas de pau-brasil, presente no território brasileiro era conhecida pelos europeus. Esses extraiam da planta um pigmento de coloração vermelha, seu uso era …
  • A Exploração do pau-brasil Por volta de 1515, a imensa concentração de árvores, denominadas de pau-brasil, presente no território brasileiro era conhecida pelos europeus. Esses extraiam da planta um pigmento de coloração vermelha, seu uso era …
  • you upload pictures to facebook. You need to save the image as a jpg (or png) first.
  • you upload pictures to facebook. You need to save the image as a jpg (or png) first.
  • Select the brush tool. Then in the tool options dialog, click on Brush Dynamics, deselect any of the ticks beside where it says "pressure".
  • If it's a crap picture - you can't turn it into a professional looking photograph. Skin and eyes are eyes are easy with a good photo, but making a silk purse from a sows ear is impossible. Whats With All The Capital Letters, Isn't Your Pinky T…