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  • It's part brainstorming, part design, part concept. It's a physical way to show what you are thinking. It's less work than starting a project without one, then having the client say you are completely off base. A reference for the designer to stay o…
  • Uh, have you looked at what DIN costs? It's freakin' unbelievably expensive! It's great, but who can afford it. I'd suggest Museo Sans - it has one free weight (plus the italics version for free) and the others aren't much money. The package is only…
  • Uh, have you looked at what DIN costs? It's freakin' unbelievably expensive! It's great, but who can afford it. I'd suggest Museo Sans - it has one free weight (plus the italics version for free) and the others aren't much money. The package is only…
  • Uh, have you looked at what DIN costs? It's freakin' unbelievably expensive! It's great, but who can afford it. I'd suggest Museo Sans - it has one free weight (plus the italics version for free) and the others aren't much money. The package is only…
  • Uh, have you looked at what DIN costs? It's freakin' unbelievably expensive! It's great, but who can afford it. I'd suggest Museo Sans - it has one free weight (plus the italics version for free) and the others aren't much money. The package is only…
  • I consider some graffiti to be art. I'm trying to decide if I consider your post spam ;)
  • You have to alt+click on the correct layer that has the image on it. Make sure you don't have anything selected before you alt+click Are you actually using alt+click or are your fingers accidentally going to what you are used to on the Mac ;D
  • You have to alt+click on the correct layer that has the image on it. Make sure you don't have anything selected before you alt+click Are you actually using alt+click or are your fingers accidentally going to what you are used to on the Mac ;D
  • I consider some graffiti to be art. I'm trying to decide if I consider your post spam ;)
  • Uh, have you looked at what DIN costs? It's freakin' unbelievably expensive! It's great, but who can afford it. I'd suggest Museo Sans - it has one free weight (plus the italics version for free) and the others aren't much money. The package is only…
  • It's part brainstorming, part design, part concept. It's a physical way to show what you are thinking. It's less work than starting a project without one, then having the client say you are completely off base. A reference for the designer to stay o…