Do you consider graffiti art?

I do. I think it's actually more impressive that other forms of art because it done at night, in a hurry, and while evading the law. Also freight train graffiti is relatively harmless because artists internationally don't cover crucial numeric markings on the train. If you don't cover those, the railroad doesn't care. Here is a video I made of my favorites


  • I consider some graffiti to be art. I'm trying to decide if I consider your post spam ;)

  • only if it is meant to be artistic. Those lame writings you see on freight trains aren't art. But if someone were to spray paint something that was meant to be an artistic image, sure, it can be considered art.

  • Some is most impressive and colourful though one has to learn to differentiate.

    Banksy has raised the bar considerably.


  • Yes...if done well it is art. Not the destructive kind.

  • The vast 90% of it? No.

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