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  • He is serious, but the press does not take him seriously.
  • He is serious, but the press does not take him seriously.
  • Yes, his policies have made my employer cut my pay by 25%. They cite a soft market and are leery of this health care mess that Congress passed and Obama signed. They are so scared of him that they are not hiring anyone and cutting those they are kee…
  • Yes, his policies have made my employer cut my pay by 25%. They cite a soft market and are leery of this health care mess that Congress passed and Obama signed. They are so scared of him that they are not hiring anyone and cutting those they are kee…
  • Plate racing is not my favorite. I think the 4 races are enough. If Fontana does it, Michigan will follow and you'll have 43 guys bunched together in 8 races. I hope NASCAR will abandon this thought. I think maybe they should only go to Fontana once…
  • Plate racing is not my favorite. I think the 4 races are enough. If Fontana does it, Michigan will follow and you'll have 43 guys bunched together in 8 races. I hope NASCAR will abandon this thought. I think maybe they should only go to Fontana once…
  • I can appreciate a beautiful animal, but I do not think of cows as being sexy. My father has Angus cows and some of the babies are cute. He calls the heifers "pretty girl". If you think of cows in a sexual way, then that would fall into th…
  • I can appreciate a beautiful animal, but I do not think of cows as being sexy. My father has Angus cows and some of the babies are cute. He calls the heifers "pretty girl". If you think of cows in a sexual way, then that would fall into th…
  • I can appreciate a beautiful animal, but I do not think of cows as being sexy. My father has Angus cows and some of the babies are cute. He calls the heifers "pretty girl". If you think of cows in a sexual way, then that would fall into th…
  • Plate racing is not my favorite. I think the 4 races are enough. If Fontana does it, Michigan will follow and you'll have 43 guys bunched together in 8 races. I hope NASCAR will abandon this thought. I think maybe they should only go to Fontana once…
  • Plate racing is not my favorite. I think the 4 races are enough. If Fontana does it, Michigan will follow and you'll have 43 guys bunched together in 8 races. I hope NASCAR will abandon this thought. I think maybe they should only go to Fontana once…
  • Plate racing is not my favorite. I think the 4 races are enough. If Fontana does it, Michigan will follow and you'll have 43 guys bunched together in 8 races. I hope NASCAR will abandon this thought. I think maybe they should only go to Fontana once…
  • Plate racing is not my favorite. I think the 4 races are enough. If Fontana does it, Michigan will follow and you'll have 43 guys bunched together in 8 races. I hope NASCAR will abandon this thought. I think maybe they should only go to Fontana once…
  • Yes, his policies have made my employer cut my pay by 25%. They cite a soft market and are leery of this health care mess that Congress passed and Obama signed. They are so scared of him that they are not hiring anyone and cutting those they are kee…
  • He is serious, but the press does not take him seriously.