Has Barack Obama ever ruined your day?


  • The day after election day in November 2008. I was totally bummed all day.

    I'm hoping for a little payback this November.

  • Yes, his policies have made my employer cut my pay by 25%. They cite a soft market and are leery of this health care mess that Congress passed and Obama signed. They are so scared of him that they are not hiring anyone and cutting those they are keeping. for how long I don't know. His stupidity is ruining everyone who wishes to prosper because his vision and change is not working for me. A select few have prospered while most of us have to suffer. I have no extra money to spend so with so many like me with no disposable income, the economy will not get any better until we kick this guy to the curb and work toward restoration because he has destroyed much of what was good about the country.

  • No. yet of direction, (sarcasm alert) the cons do no longer think of of him as a black president, and woe be unto the guy who says that they do. Like if somebody have been to ask a question questioning if he'd ruined it for yet another black president.

  • He hasn't ruined my day, and he hasn't ruined the day of the Obama-haters, either. They just aren't honest enough to admit that the legislation he has passed either already has or will help them, whether it's financial regulation that gives them the Consumer Protection Act or health care reform that helps them keep their coverage. Their hate is stronger than their reasoning ability.

  • Any day I am unfortunate enough to turn on my tv and there he is lying away again.. that ruins my day. I do change the channel as quickly as I can tho.. saves some of my good humour!

  • Let's see.. I got an 8K tax credit for buying a new home. My small business gets big tax credits for hiring the unemployed... which we have... I got an SBA loan with zero interest! My daughter modified her home loan when she lost her job; she's delighted.

    No, he has not ruined my day... He's actually made my year.

  • Only if I happen to turn on my television and he is there babbling about something.. But i turn him off, then I am happy again!

  • He ruins every day. Can he? Really? YES HE CAN!

  • Yes when I heard he got elected!

  • He's ruined my year.

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