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  • Olhe, não saberei lhe dizer exatamente a origem, mas isso remete lá ao império grego, quando os membros do "parlamento" eram os aristocratas da Polis, naturalmente a os seus predecessores seriam de suas familias já abastadas, então is…
  • Sweet Dreams é um otimo cover, Tainted Love é excelente.. procure essas, não vai se arrepender.
  • it depends on your doc or midwife. You may get a vag. exam to check your cervix, (I did) but pretty much the same thing.
  • A falta de provas de que um ser superior exista. Estando ou não em contato com deus como os católicos dizem, nada muda em nossa vida, então porque acreditar em algo que praticamente não existe e não influência sua vida? Porque tudo que dizem…
  • I am a PRO-HUMAN. leave the religion becoz its not saying any one to slaughter another one.leave the history becoz isnt gone already . now the present is what that to be considered & the future is the one that matters. both sides share the r…
  • I am a PRO-HUMAN. leave the religion becoz its not saying any one to slaughter another one.leave the history becoz isnt gone already . now the present is what that to be considered & the future is the one that matters. both sides share the r…
  • I am a PRO-HUMAN. leave the religion becoz its not saying any one to slaughter another one.leave the history becoz isnt gone already . now the present is what that to be considered & the future is the one that matters. both sides share the r…
  • A falta de provas de que um ser superior exista. Estando ou não em contato com deus como os católicos dizem, nada muda em nossa vida, então porque acreditar em algo que praticamente não existe e não influência sua vida? Porque tudo que dizem…
  • A falta de provas de que um ser superior exista. Estando ou não em contato com deus como os católicos dizem, nada muda em nossa vida, então porque acreditar em algo que praticamente não existe e não influência sua vida? Porque tudo que dizem…
  • I am a PRO-HUMAN. leave the religion becoz its not saying any one to slaughter another one.leave the history becoz isnt gone already . now the present is what that to be considered & the future is the one that matters. both sides share the r…
  • omg he is a loser!!! you need help from family.. is that possible? if not, id dump him girlfriend he does sound like a third child, eww!!!! kick him out, get a waitressing job, or become a stripper, make tons of money , and kick that g…
  • I adore Queensland, wish I lived there. The people are so friendly, the weather is great and the countryside is stunning. Anyways, Gold Coast is lovely - beautiful beaches, has theme parks, etc and some gorgeous countryside not too far away. But …
  • I adore Queensland, wish I lived there. The people are so friendly, the weather is great and the countryside is stunning. Anyways, Gold Coast is lovely - beautiful beaches, has theme parks, etc and some gorgeous countryside not too far away. But …
  • I adore Queensland, wish I lived there. The people are so friendly, the weather is great and the countryside is stunning. Anyways, Gold Coast is lovely - beautiful beaches, has theme parks, etc and some gorgeous countryside not too far away. But …
  • I adore Queensland, wish I lived there. The people are so friendly, the weather is great and the countryside is stunning. Anyways, Gold Coast is lovely - beautiful beaches, has theme parks, etc and some gorgeous countryside not too far away. But …
  • omg he is a loser!!! you need help from family.. is that possible? if not, id dump him girlfriend he does sound like a third child, eww!!!! kick him out, get a waitressing job, or become a stripper, make tons of money , and kick that g…
  • omg he is a loser!!! you need help from family.. is that possible? if not, id dump him girlfriend he does sound like a third child, eww!!!! kick him out, get a waitressing job, or become a stripper, make tons of money , and kick that g…
  • I am a PRO-HUMAN. leave the religion becoz its not saying any one to slaughter another one.leave the history becoz isnt gone already . now the present is what that to be considered & the future is the one that matters. both sides share the r…
  • I am a PRO-HUMAN. leave the religion becoz its not saying any one to slaughter another one.leave the history becoz isnt gone already . now the present is what that to be considered & the future is the one that matters. both sides share the r…
  • A falta de provas de que um ser superior exista. Estando ou não em contato com deus como os católicos dizem, nada muda em nossa vida, então porque acreditar em algo que praticamente não existe e não influência sua vida? Porque tudo que dizem…
  • Sweet Dreams é um otimo cover, Tainted Love é excelente.. procure essas, não vai se arrepender.
  • Olhe, não saberei lhe dizer exatamente a origem, mas isso remete lá ao império grego, quando os membros do "parlamento" eram os aristocratas da Polis, naturalmente a os seus predecessores seriam de suas familias já abastadas, então is…