Pro-Arab or Pro-Israeli?

Are you pro-arab or pro-israeli? Why? Are you taking a religious point of view or a historical point of view? Do you think the conflict in the Middle East that is occuring right now should be stopped immediately or let Israel continue to attempt to dismantle the Hezbollah? Who do you think is right in this current conflict?


it's so awesome how so many of you are pro-peace, today (saturday july 29th) i went to a pro-peace rally in Vancouver, Canada and I had this woman walk up to me and ask me "are you palestinian?" (first of all.. I have yellow skin damit! can you not see that i am chinese?) and i said "no, i'm just a peace promoter and calling for a cease-fire." she ended up yelling at me for attending the Lebanese cease-fire rally and said that i should be pro-israel and condemn the hezbollah! that old woman was probably on crack.. or she hasnt been taking enough crack.


  • I am anti-terrorism which I guess makes me lean pro-Israeli. I do believe they have the right to defend themselves and to go after Hezbollah and those who support them. Israel is a country that is surrounded by enemies and always has to worry about attacks from the north, south, and east. I think the reason why many support them is WWII when the Germans tried to kill all the European Jews which is why many went to Israel. I support them because they are the only real democracy in the Middle East and they attack terrorists as they are proving now.

  • I'm not pro-either one. I'm pro-peace.

    And this may be considered a radical thing to say, but I think that the "irritation" of the presence of Israel is just an EXCUSE that many of the Arab countries/factions give for the state of war in their region. They have always warred with one another, and if Israel were not there, they would still be warring with one another. AAMOF, the destruction of Israel is about the ONLY thing that those folks have ever been able to agree upon!

    As for the Israelis: What you've got there are the descendents of a bunch of royally ticked-off people. They suffered over 1000 years of being kicked around in Europe, only to have it end in that huge pogrom known as The Holocaust--and what happened? People said, "They were lead, like sheep, to the slaughter," because there was very little resistance when they were sent off to the death camps. The survivors figured that there was no safe haven for them in Europe, and they were determined to repopulate their native land and to never be seen as sheep-like weaklings ever again. And you can see the result of this attitude to this day. (Although I've got to say that putting a good-sized chunk of the world's Jewish population into a country that's about the size of a postage stamp--and surrounded by hostile neighbors, to boot--was not exactly a well-thought-out move toward the safety and security that they craved for their people!)

    Honestly: I don't see how this is ever going to resolve itself in the long run.

  • Though I am neither, I feel that Israel has a right to exist and the Arab nations should recognize it so. The Hezbollah should be dismantled not by Israel but by the Muslims themselves. The Muslim nations should stop their support of Syria and iran and of groups like Hezbollah and Hamas. In turn Israel should recognize the rights of Palestinians and allow them the freedom to work and live in Israel.

  • January 1948, Golda Meir (Meyerson) travelled to the U. S. finding for donations from American Jews to help purchase plenty necessary defense force weapons to help create the State of Israel. It became predicted in the event that they have been fairly fortunate, she might advance 7-10 million, she got here back with 50 million and David Ben-Gurion until his demise day suggested that with out her and the money she raised in usa, Israel might never have had a huge gamble to win against her Arab enemies Israel became declared a rustic would 14 1948 at 5pm via best Minister David Ben-Gurion and then at 5:15pm Harry S. Truman declared it a legal and known state contained in the direction of the League of international locations. hence Israel became born, if it wasn't for American money and political help, it does not have been. What Hillary is doing now could be what has continually been executed via the human beings for the Israelis. somewhat off topic, yet nonetheless somewhat correct; the Arab international locations never regarded on the U. S. as enemies until their economic and political help of Israel interior the overdue '40s. in fact in 1938 whilst King Faud II of Saudi Arabia became finding for a rustic to financially back him to start drilling for oil, he chosen the U. S. in view that they had never colonized any African or midsection eastern international locations in assessment to a good style of the ecu powers had. He signed a 100yr settlement with a Texan via the call (i think) of Tom Barker and created OPEC. Im optimistic if King Faud might have had a clue what became going to ensue between the U. S. and the Zionist 10yrs later, he might never had made that settlement. Its why the U. S. and Saudis have an often strained enterprise relationship, in view that settlement legally binds them to artwork jointly, wether the Saudis like it or no longer. Im rather optimistic considering '40 8, they have not fairly enjoyed it very plenty in any respect.

  • I am a PRO-HUMAN. leave the religion becoz its not saying any one to slaughter another one.leave the history becoz isnt gone already .

    now the present is what that to be considered & the future is the one that matters.

    both sides share the responsiblity for the present situation.

    By all measures the conflit has to stopped , letting people to live in peace.

  • I am "pro wipe/nuke the area to the ground level, and maybe a bit lower, shall we say 10 feet".

    After that, the area should be given to the ownership of E.U. and all religious behaviour and posession of weapons would lead to arrest and deportation to penitentiary-oil field in Siberia for at least one year.

  • I'm pro Peace. Drop the weapons.

    I think we need to ship Prozac over

    there instead of weapons.

  • I am pro-my country right now(not from usa). I cant answer to your question right now, because i don't now enough about their religion and their recent history. I just now that is all wrong... the war, the killings, all.

  • I'm not pro-either...I'm anti-both. We give both sides (especially Israel) too much foreign aid...and all they do is engage in a never-ending pissing contest like two petulant, bickering childern. F_ck 'em all!

  • I am pro nuclear bombing of the whole place! Once they are all out of the equation we will have peace!

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