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  • There is a nice formula linking L, T with the radius R, derived from Stephen's Law in terms of ratios (of Solar parameters): L = R² T⁴, = 4 (55 / 29)⁴ = 51.7510 times bringing it to an absolute magnitude of +0.545. That is, since A0 s…
  • Puppet or snippet, he is delivering. After all he is groomed by the great PVNarasimha Rao, who was projected by his own partymen as the most corrupt man. That impression sank in public mind and the courts' judgements had no effect. Public opinion ca…
  • Certain part of the landmass on Earth "we" named "Africa". If you want to follow that convention, DO THAT ! Know Africa exists? : I know. About 7,000,000,000 people know it. I can go to a stone & educate it about this fact;…
  • Tip of Florida (25 N/ 80 W), Guyana starts at (9 N/ 60 W). Arc distance 'c', d= difference of longitude cos c=cos(90 -25) cos(90 -9)+ sin(90 -25) sin(90 -25) cos 20 c = 68.14424 arc degrees =4089 naut. mile =4702 st.miles =7564 km
  • Tip of Florida (25 N/ 80 W), Guyana starts at (9 N/ 60 W). Arc distance 'c', d= difference of longitude cos c=cos(90 -25) cos(90 -9)+ sin(90 -25) sin(90 -25) cos 20 c = 68.14424 arc degrees =4089 naut. mile =4702 st.miles =7564 km
  • Just BS
  • 'Mystery5' has come with the same words I intended to use before me. 'vampire' bats are found in Latin America. Thay suck blood from exposed skin (they don't care whether it is a human or animal) of their sleeping victim like musquitoes do. It has w…
  • With its tilt (23º,45) of the axis the two Tropics (of Cancer & Capricorn) are the limits, below which every Latitude gets to be in direct line with (under) the Sun at a particular time or date. If the tilt gets to be 66º.55 then the Arctic &am…
  • These numbered nomenclature originated in the Cold War period (1945 - 1991). There were two warring ideological camps. One is led by USA, the capitalist (West European) countries and their cohorts (like Australia, Canada for the British) & Japan…
  • These numbered nomenclature originated in the Cold War period (1945 - 1991). There were two warring ideological camps. One is led by USA, the capitalist (West European) countries and their cohorts (like Australia, Canada for the British) & Japan…
  • With its tilt (23º,45) of the axis the two Tropics (of Cancer & Capricorn) are the limits, below which every Latitude gets to be in direct line with (under) the Sun at a particular time or date. If the tilt gets to be 66º.55 then the Arctic &am…
  • With its tilt (23º,45) of the axis the two Tropics (of Cancer & Capricorn) are the limits, below which every Latitude gets to be in direct line with (under) the Sun at a particular time or date. If the tilt gets to be 66º.55 then the Arctic &am…
  • 'Mystery5' has come with the same words I intended to use before me. 'vampire' bats are found in Latin America. Thay suck blood from exposed skin (they don't care whether it is a human or animal) of their sleeping victim like musquitoes do. It has w…
  • Just BS
  • Tip of Florida (25 N/ 80 W), Guyana starts at (9 N/ 60 W). Arc distance 'c', d= difference of longitude cos c=cos(90 -25) cos(90 -9)+ sin(90 -25) sin(90 -25) cos 20 c = 68.14424 arc degrees =4089 naut. mile =4702 st.miles =7564 km
  • Certain part of the landmass on Earth "we" named "Africa". If you want to follow that convention, DO THAT ! Know Africa exists? : I know. About 7,000,000,000 people know it. I can go to a stone & educate it about this fact;…
  • Certain part of the landmass on Earth "we" named "Africa". If you want to follow that convention, DO THAT ! Know Africa exists? : I know. About 7,000,000,000 people know it. I can go to a stone & educate it about this fact;…
  • Puppet or snippet, he is delivering. After all he is groomed by the great PVNarasimha Rao, who was projected by his own partymen as the most corrupt man. That impression sank in public mind and the courts' judgements had no effect. Public opinion ca…
  • There is a nice formula linking L, T with the radius R, derived from Stephen's Law in terms of ratios (of Solar parameters): L = R² T⁴, = 4 (55 / 29)⁴ = 51.7510 times bringing it to an absolute magnitude of +0.545. That is, since A0 s…