Is australia a 3rd world country?

To great Britain?


  • Nope. A third world country is a developing country, eg India; a second world country was used to refer to the Communist bloc countries (mostly used during the Cold War era), eg. Russia; and a first world country is a developed nation, eg. USA. Australia is considered as a developed non-Communist bloc country, so it's not a third world country - it's a first world country.

  • These numbered nomenclature originated in the Cold War period (1945 - 1991). There were two warring ideological camps. One is led by USA, the capitalist (West European) countries and their cohorts (like Australia, Canada for the British) & Japan. The other is the Communist camp led by USSR and its satellites, with China, Mongolia & N.Korea.

    Most countries (that fill the benches in the Genera Assembly in UN) became independent at the end of WW II in 1945 (examples: Indonesia 1945, India & Pakistan 1947, Burma/Myanmar 1948, Ceylon/SriLanka 1948). These countries met in 1953 as the conference of Afro-Asian nations at Bandung (Sumatra), Indonesia. They (most of them) took a decision, not to join either of the two ideological groups that became military camps & to maintain separate identity. These were promptly dubbed 'Third World' (USA & friends in first world, USSR & other communists in second world). All these countries were freed from a century or two of colonial rule (Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, British, French & Belgian) they were impoverished uch with no resources (money) to better their lot. America & others who looked down upon their poverty used to think that all third world is 'poor' as a general concensus.

    Australia, Canada & New Zealand are the three (surviving) British Dominions and on par with Britain unlike the hundred other colonies before, because most of their population are white & genetically/ethnically of British stock who made the natives in each country a nonentity. Even now, natives there in the first world countries can be 'identified' with the 'Third World' tag if the their situation is considered.

  • Your a 3rd world country

  • According to Wikipedia, a first world country is one that shares an alliance with the U.S. Even if this is untrue (The first world country-Alliance bit), as Australia is fully developed, it is not a 3rd world country.

  • NO. Australia is right up there with the United States. In some aspects, Australia Leads the United States. Health Care for one.

  • from a retail point of view it seems with the loss of about 70% of aust companies -ethier closed or sold to other non aust companies who break it up -thus decline in what you can buy in this country.truth is we are a victim of poor values -buy cheap get cheap-the internet has seen to that ,now we are a poor cousin to our european the truth hurts

  • For the best answers, search on this site

    1st world along the coasts. The aborigines in the outback are another story.

  • anywhere west of Dubbo, north of Adelaide, east of Perth and south of Darwin!

  • i wouldnt say so

  • not really...

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