
why the Tropic of cancer and tropic of capricon tilt towards sun during the year.why only Capricon and cancer tilt why not Arctic and Anartic circle tilt towards sun?what is the reason for its tilt


  • The Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn are simply the lines on the Earth that mark the sun's most northerly and southerly apparent motion in our sky.

    The Tropics are not actually moving.

    The Earth rotates on an axis that is tilted by 23.5 degrees to the Earth's path around the sun.

    The tilt is the result of the final collisions that formed the Earth billions of years ago.

  • With its tilt (23º,45) of the axis the two Tropics (of Cancer & Capricorn) are the limits, below which every Latitude gets to be in direct line with (under) the Sun at a particular time or date.

    If the tilt gets to be 66º.55 then the Arctic & Antarctic Circles would be the limits where the "noon Sun" shines directly (located at the zenithy in the sky) without casting a shadow, respectively on Summer & Winter solstices, just as it is now with Tropics of Cancer & Capricorn. All Latitudes (λ) till that limit will get the Noon Sun direct on two different dates given as

    λ = tan‾ ¹ {sin[360 d/365.25] tan ι}

    where the angle of inclination "ι" is the axial tilt angle that sets the upper limit. "d" is the number of days reckoned "from" or "till" (then d is negative) March 21.

  • Axial tilt of earth's axis is 23.4degree.These constellations are situated at that latitude.

  • The rest of Earth also tilts, including the Antarctic circle and the Arctic circle; one toward and one away from the Sun.

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