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  • its simple, all it is ,, is a deep fried pussycat
  • If you are taking Physics your senior year, I would want you to be taking Pre-Calculus at the same time. Physics makes use of trigonometry (Law of Cosines) and vectors (sum of vectors, resultant vector) skills that are either introduced or cove…
  • No there are plenty of Qbs out there that have shown they can score points yesterday. Pick on eof them up. (Ryan, Cassel, KItna,Farve) Jackson did well yesterday and I think he will continue to do so. He is too valuable to your sqad. Good Luck.
  • No there are plenty of Qbs out there that have shown they can score points yesterday. Pick on eof them up. (Ryan, Cassel, KItna,Farve) Jackson did well yesterday and I think he will continue to do so. He is too valuable to your sqad. Good Luck.
  • No there are plenty of Qbs out there that have shown they can score points yesterday. Pick on eof them up. (Ryan, Cassel, KItna,Farve) Jackson did well yesterday and I think he will continue to do so. He is too valuable to your sqad. Good Luck.
  • If you are taking Physics your senior year, I would want you to be taking Pre-Calculus at the same time. Physics makes use of trigonometry (Law of Cosines) and vectors (sum of vectors, resultant vector) skills that are either introduced or cove…
  • its simple, all it is ,, is a deep fried pussycat
  • its simple, all it is ,, is a deep fried pussycat
  • its simple, all it is ,, is a deep fried pussycat
  • its simple, all it is ,, is a deep fried pussycat
  • its simple, all it is ,, is a deep fried pussycat