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  • Sou americano e muito fluente em inglês. Eu gostaria que eu pudesse dizer o mesmo para português! Encargos: Encumbrance (plural: 'encumbrances') A burden; a thing that must be carried. (law) an interest, right, burden, or liability attached …
  • CLOWN I'm offering to work as a clown. Either working in a circus or be a performer. Have two years of experience in the business. I know how to liven up children's parties and to work in a circus, bringing joy to all. Completed basic education. …
  • "who do know english?" deve ser "Who knows English?" 1.) I went to the church. = Fui à igreja. à(s) e ao(s) = "to the" para o(s) e para a(s) = "to the" (ou "for the") 2.) Os verbos não-tran…
  • Brazil needs to use to its advantage this current economic crisis and become economically potent. To the contrary of what many people think, "Brazil is the country of the future -- but only IN the future. (sort of a joke, right?) Without a doub…
  • Brazil needs to use to its advantage this current economic crisis and become economically potent. To the contrary of what many people think, "Brazil is the country of the future -- but only IN the future. (sort of a joke, right?) Without a doub…
  • "who do know english?" deve ser "Who knows English?" 1.) I went to the church. = Fui à igreja. à(s) e ao(s) = "to the" para o(s) e para a(s) = "to the" (ou "for the") 2.) Os verbos não-tran…
  • "who do know english?" deve ser "Who knows English?" 1.) I went to the church. = Fui à igreja. à(s) e ao(s) = "to the" para o(s) e para a(s) = "to the" (ou "for the") 2.) Os verbos não-tran…
  • CLOWN I'm offering to work as a clown. Either working in a circus or be a performer. Have two years of experience in the business. I know how to liven up children's parties and to work in a circus, bringing joy to all. Completed basic education. …
  • CLOWN I'm offering to work as a clown. Either working in a circus or be a performer. Have two years of experience in the business. I know how to liven up children's parties and to work in a circus, bringing joy to all. Completed basic education. …
  • CLOWN I'm offering to work as a clown. Either working in a circus or be a performer. Have two years of experience in the business. I know how to liven up children's parties and to work in a circus, bringing joy to all. Completed basic education. …