Por favor, vcs podem TRADUZIR PRA MIM?

Por favor, alguém poderia me ajudar colocando esse texto abaixo em inglês?

Muito obrigada!


Me ofereço para trabalhar de palhaço, para trabalhar em um circo ou para ser animador. Experiência de 2 anos no ramo. Sei animar festas infantis e trabalhar no circo, trazendo alegria para todos. Ensino fundamental completo. Horário de trabalho flexível, integral ou meio-período. Salário a combinar.



    I'm offering to work as a clown. Either working in a circus or be a performer. Have two years of experience in the business. I know how to liven up children's parties and to work in a circus, bringing joy to all. Completed basic education. Flexible working hours, full or part-time. Salary to match.

  • Clown

    I'm offering myself to work as a clown, to work at the circus or as a entertainer. I have 2 years experience in this business. I can entertain kids' parties and work at the circus, bringing joy to everybody. Education till 8th grade. Flexible working time, full time or part time. We can discuss payment schedule.

    Espero ter ajudado, BOA SORTE!!!!


    I offer myself to work as a clown. Either working in a circus or being a performer. Two-year experienced in the business. I do know how to liven up children's parties and to work in a circus, bringing joy to all. Completed basic education. Flexible working hours, full or part-time. Salary to match.

  • 2 pontoos

  • é assim..


    I offer to work of clown, to work in a circus or to be a presenter. Experience of 2 years in the branch. I can liven up childlike parties and work in the circus, bringing joy to all. Basic complete teaching. Time-table of flexible, integral work or half-period. Salary to go together.


  • Todo mundo já traduziu.

  • Já que todo mundo traduziu vou te indicar sites de tradução de texto,

    esse é o do Google


    e esse do Yahoo


    é só copiar e colar o texto que ele traduz.


    I offer to work as a clown, to work in a circus or to be encouraging. Two years experience in the business. I encourage children's parties and work in the circus, bringing joy to all. Basic education. Flexible working hours, full or part-time. Salary to match.


    I offer to work of clown, to work in a circus or to be a presenter. Experience of 2 years in the branch. I can liven up childlike parties and work in the circus, bringing joy to all. Basic complete teaching. Time-table of flexible, integral work or half-period. Salary to go together.

    xau e boa sorte


    I offer to work as a clown, to work in a circus or to be encouraging. 2 years experience in the business. I encourage children's parties and work in the circus, bringing joy to all. Basic education. Flexible working hours, full or part-time. Salary to match.

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