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  • Obama comes from a mixed marriage, so he is not 100% black (if that was your point). In another way to look at it, many blacks are saying that they are no better off now than 8 years ago, and racial tensions appear to be higher also. You cannot pu…
  • It really depends on what you really like to do, and what you reasonably can excel at. With track there are more options for the specific type of competition, and tennis is basically an individual effort game (besides team and pair playing). If yo…
  • Obama comes from a mixed marriage, so he is not 100% black (if that was your point). In another way to look at it, many blacks are saying that they are no better off now than 8 years ago, and racial tensions appear to be higher also. You cannot pu…
  • It really depends on what you really like to do, and what you reasonably can excel at. With track there are more options for the specific type of competition, and tennis is basically an individual effort game (besides team and pair playing). If yo…
  • Their sides are decent enough, and the spices on the chicken is good, but the meat is kinda skimpy and usually over-cooked. I tried it a few times and was not impressed.
  • Their sides are decent enough, and the spices on the chicken is good, but the meat is kinda skimpy and usually over-cooked. I tried it a few times and was not impressed.
  • 10 mm = 1 cm, so the conversion is a 10 to 1 ratio.
  • 10 mm = 1 cm, so the conversion is a 10 to 1 ratio.
  • Their sides are decent enough, and the spices on the chicken is good, but the meat is kinda skimpy and usually over-cooked. I tried it a few times and was not impressed.
  • Their sides are decent enough, and the spices on the chicken is good, but the meat is kinda skimpy and usually over-cooked. I tried it a few times and was not impressed.
  • Obama comes from a mixed marriage, so he is not 100% black (if that was your point). In another way to look at it, many blacks are saying that they are no better off now than 8 years ago, and racial tensions appear to be higher also. You cannot pu…
  • It really depends on what you really like to do, and what you reasonably can excel at. With track there are more options for the specific type of competition, and tennis is basically an individual effort game (besides team and pair playing). If yo…