Is Obama a real Black guy?

Or is he really just a white guy or a reptillian shapeshifter. Please, I need to know! I use to look up to Barack Obama.


  • Obama comes from a mixed marriage, so he is not 100% black (if that was your point). In another way to look at it, many blacks are saying that they are no better off now than 8 years ago, and racial tensions appear to be higher also. You cannot put all the blame on Obama, but he had a chance to make things better and he did not. Obama promised hope and change, but he did not deliver.


  • Obama is an African(Hamite) by Nationality...Skin tone does not equate to Nationality/Race...besides he is not Black in skin complexion...Black...white are colors in a crayon box...It is no such thing as bi one is born with two Nationalities/Races...The Male(Father) determines the Nationality/Race/sex of the offspring...not the Female(Mother)...Obama's father was an African(Hamite) by Nationality...Nationality means the Nation of people you descend from..

  • It really doesnt matter what you can him now... his presidency has hardly been outstanding , he turned in to a lame duck president in the last couple of years... his nobel peace prize was a total waste of time and was given for the wraong reasons...

  • No, he is only half black, other half is white

  • Someone said he is mulato

  • trump doesn't bother using chameleon or shapeshifter tactics...his mouth would give him away every time...

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