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  • I happen to agree with Jim... you sound a tad condescending towards us Seniors. I took computer tech in college, and was a Tech Rep for a couple software companies in my career. While much of the "tech" side has way out stripped my abili…
  • I happen to agree with Jim... you sound a tad condescending towards us Seniors. I took computer tech in college, and was a Tech Rep for a couple software companies in my career. While much of the "tech" side has way out stripped my abili…
  • To actually answer the ONLY QUESTION that you have asked, my answer is, YES, some DO. As for the editorial, I don't waste my time with the NY Slimes. 1. REPEAL the 16th Amendment!! 2. DISBAND The FED! 3.…
  • Do you hear that sound? It's a very faint sound... it's the sound of the smallest violin being played.... Sorry, but I don't have much sympathy for you. FAIR??? WHO guaranteed life was FAIR? Oh PUL-EASE! YES, the two party system WORKS. T…
  • Do you hear that sound? It's a very faint sound... it's the sound of the smallest violin being played.... Sorry, but I don't have much sympathy for you. FAIR??? WHO guaranteed life was FAIR? Oh PUL-EASE! YES, the two party system WORKS. T…
  • You're becoming a grumpy old man, m'dear! LOL!!! Just last week, I had an incident where my debit card was refused because the merchant had a "Minimum Purchase" requirement. According to VISA (the issuer of the card) merchants are not…
  • You're becoming a grumpy old man, m'dear! LOL!!! Just last week, I had an incident where my debit card was refused because the merchant had a "Minimum Purchase" requirement. According to VISA (the issuer of the card) merchants are not…
  • You're becoming a grumpy old man, m'dear! LOL!!! Just last week, I had an incident where my debit card was refused because the merchant had a "Minimum Purchase" requirement. According to VISA (the issuer of the card) merchants are not…
  • Do you hear that sound? It's a very faint sound... it's the sound of the smallest violin being played.... Sorry, but I don't have much sympathy for you. FAIR??? WHO guaranteed life was FAIR? Oh PUL-EASE! YES, the two party system WORKS. T…
  • To actually answer the ONLY QUESTION that you have asked, my answer is, YES, some DO. As for the editorial, I don't waste my time with the NY Slimes. 1. REPEAL the 16th Amendment!! 2. DISBAND The FED! 3.…
  • To actually answer the ONLY QUESTION that you have asked, my answer is, YES, some DO. As for the editorial, I don't waste my time with the NY Slimes. 1. REPEAL the 16th Amendment!! 2. DISBAND The FED! 3.…
  • I happen to agree with Jim... you sound a tad condescending towards us Seniors. I took computer tech in college, and was a Tech Rep for a couple software companies in my career. While much of the "tech" side has way out stripped my abili…
  • I happen to agree with Jim... you sound a tad condescending towards us Seniors. I took computer tech in college, and was a Tech Rep for a couple software companies in my career. While much of the "tech" side has way out stripped my abili…