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  • God had no begining...and will never have a end? TRUE, according to my own personal definition of God.
    in True Or False? Comment by ward June 2021
  • visita a un médico o prueba de embarazo
  • Steve Jobs keeps a tight reign on announcements of new products and usually underpromises. Since he said the release would be delayed until October, you can be certain it will happen IN October but my guess would be by the middle of the month. If yo…
  • Steve Jobs keeps a tight reign on announcements of new products and usually underpromises. Since he said the release would be delayed until October, you can be certain it will happen IN October but my guess would be by the middle of the month. If yo…
  • Steve Jobs keeps a tight reign on announcements of new products and usually underpromises. Since he said the release would be delayed until October, you can be certain it will happen IN October but my guess would be by the middle of the month. If yo…
  • Steve Jobs keeps a tight reign on announcements of new products and usually underpromises. Since he said the release would be delayed until October, you can be certain it will happen IN October but my guess would be by the middle of the month. If yo…
  • Steve Jobs keeps a tight reign on announcements of new products and usually underpromises. Since he said the release would be delayed until October, you can be certain it will happen IN October but my guess would be by the middle of the month. If yo…
  • visita a un médico o prueba de embarazo
  • visita a un médico o prueba de embarazo
  • God had no begining...and will never have a end? TRUE, according to my own personal definition of God.
    in True Or False? Comment by ward May 2021