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  • El perimetro es l. a. suma de todos los lados en este caso 7.6 y lo dividimos entre cuatro porque el jardin es un cuadrado si lo dividimos entre cuatro te saldra a million.9, entonces Ana ocupa a million.9 metros de cerca para uno de los lados de s…
  • Fome, miséria, desemprego, guerra estão marcando a nova ordem mundial junto com o terrorismo.
  • No. Even Fulham fans will tell you he shouldn't. His work rate is his only quality. People that he think he should only see his goal tally and have clearly not watched him enough. Good for a low-mid table PL side. Nowhere near international class.
  • What changed? Are you feeling depressed? Is someone talking negatively to you about yor schoolwork, or something else that is affecting your grades? You only have a few more months of school-then summer time. Is that what is bothering you? Please,…
  • Carpet. It's easier on the feet, warmer on the feet, and warmer for the house. Heat goes down, cold goes up. Therefore, carpet is a whole lot better. Take care.
  • kaka claro por choose alguem vai na pergunta quem voce acha q ganhara o jogo hoje sao paulo x corinthians ou entao no meu perfil nas favoritas e votem na ultima resposta(nao estou chamando o corinthians de c.u e sim escrevi errado)
  • kaka claro por choose alguem vai na pergunta quem voce acha q ganhara o jogo hoje sao paulo x corinthians ou entao no meu perfil nas favoritas e votem na ultima resposta(nao estou chamando o corinthians de c.u e sim escrevi errado)
  • Carpet. It's easier on the feet, warmer on the feet, and warmer for the house. Heat goes down, cold goes up. Therefore, carpet is a whole lot better. Take care.
  • What changed? Are you feeling depressed? Is someone talking negatively to you about yor schoolwork, or something else that is affecting your grades? You only have a few more months of school-then summer time. Is that what is bothering you? Please,…
  • What changed? Are you feeling depressed? Is someone talking negatively to you about yor schoolwork, or something else that is affecting your grades? You only have a few more months of school-then summer time. Is that what is bothering you? Please,…
  • What changed? Are you feeling depressed? Is someone talking negatively to you about yor schoolwork, or something else that is affecting your grades? You only have a few more months of school-then summer time. Is that what is bothering you? Please,…
  • What changed? Are you feeling depressed? Is someone talking negatively to you about yor schoolwork, or something else that is affecting your grades? You only have a few more months of school-then summer time. Is that what is bothering you? Please,…
  • What changed? Are you feeling depressed? Is someone talking negatively to you about yor schoolwork, or something else that is affecting your grades? You only have a few more months of school-then summer time. Is that what is bothering you? Please,…
  • Fome, miséria, desemprego, guerra estão marcando a nova ordem mundial junto com o terrorismo.