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  • The best example of a true democracy would be taking a bus trip from New York to Los Angeles that would only stop for food, gas, or rest rooms if everyone agreed on where to stop and when.
  • I think John Stuart Mill said it best. I know I can't improve on it. War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The pe…
  • If you work on it some, that'll make a nice poem. I wouldn't change the words, just organize it into lines, rather than as a paragraph.
  • Name anything you want a president to do, and ask yourself if he's done it. Unless you want a president to hire a lot of tax cheats to run things, I can't think of anything offhand.
  • Name anything you want a president to do, and ask yourself if he's done it. Unless you want a president to hire a lot of tax cheats to run things, I can't think of anything offhand.
  • If you work on it some, that'll make a nice poem. I wouldn't change the words, just organize it into lines, rather than as a paragraph.