Does Memorial Day Glorify War?

I recently read an article which pretty much critcized Memorial Day as a mere attempt to convince ourselves that "sending our children off to be maimed, mutliated, etc" is noble and heroic.

Your thoughts?


  • Sad to think that the person who wrote that article owes his/her very right to freedom of speech to the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces, past and present. How quickly people forget that our freedom was bought and paid for with blood -- the blood of our forefathers who believed it was better to die fighting for freedom than to live under the flag of oppression. Many people just can't see that there are people in the world who would love nothing more than to take our freedom away, and the only reason they don't try to do it is because we have the best organized, best trained, and best equipped fighting force in the world. No one likes the idea of any American citizen getting killed, maimed or wounded by any perceived enemy or threat, but the people who volunteer to wear the uniform love freedom and understand that it comes with a price.

    "To be prepared for war is the most effective means of preserving peace."

    -- General George Washington

    "No man should be entitled to the blessings of liberty unless he is diligent in its preservation."

    -- General Douglas MacArthur

  • Memorial Day has been a dedicated day where we ALL can sit down and remember the friends and family and the men and women we didn't know who have sacrificed their lives so we could live on Free soil. Its not to "send our children off to be maimed and mutilated..." Some people actually do choose to this kind of life, because they love their country and such. Memorial day is exactly what it says, its to memorialize the lives of those who have died for a cause...and what is the cause? To protect the freedoms that we have here in America against oppresion of the Middle East and other countries where their citizens don't have this kind of liberty. Anyone who thinks that Memorial day is to convince ourselves that sending our kids off to be killed is noble and heroic OBVISOULY has never lost someone they loved to war. Because you find a meaning when someone you love is killed over there and you remember the sacrifice they made and WHY .

  • Never in a million years would I "Glorify" war! As a 2 tour of Viet Nam Veteran and my youngest Son an Iraqi Freedom Veteran we both were able to return by GODs grace whole for the most part. We honor the PERSON not the politics,nor War or any thing else. Despite logic we the people go and do what we think is right and those who don't return are honored for their sacrifice. The one that prays for peace most is the warrior. My Dad once said a quote from a Hero of the Republic "My country may she ever be right, but, right or wrong it's my country." Peace Warchild!

  • As so many others have so eloquently stated, no. Memorial Day is a time to honor those who have given, as Abraham Lincoln said, "The last full measure of devotion" to guarantee that "government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

    Jefferson once said that "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." He was saying that for a people to truly be free, they must be willing to hold that freedom more dear than their lives, or it becomes meaningless.

    As a former military officer, I honor those that went before every time I hear someone spout something which I completely disagree with - because that person has the freedom to voice a different opinion than me. I honor those soldiers that went before, who allow us to debate whether creationism or evolution should be taught in schools.

    History has shown, time and again, that those who are unwilling to stand up for their freedoms will surely lose them. Those that have done that for American freedoms deserve our honor, our respect, and our undying devotion.

    Remember - there are two types of people in the United States - those who enjoy freedom, and those who defend it.

  • It's the same reason why Liberals insist on saying that 9-11 is a conspiracy and that WWII was wrong.

    Liberals hate national security.

    Liberals want you to believe terrorism doesn't exist and that by voting their beliefs the Global War on Terrorism will go away.

    If people remember and honor our Veterans then Liberals do not stand a chance on election day...

  • Memorial Day does not glorify war. It gives us all a day to set aside and remember those who have served in the armed forces, who've given their lives in protection of this great country and all that we stand for. Regardless of your political views, war is necessary.

    Let me repeat: WAR IS NECESSARY! At the very least, the threat of war is necessary in order to keep in line those who would seek to destroy democracy and our Constitution. To think otherwise is naive at best, ignorant and insolent at worst. Scottdman answered: "If it weren't for our military, France would be speaking German." LOVE IT! And very true. America isn't very popular in our current climate, but it still remains THE greatest country on this planet. There simply is nowhere better to live and thrive. The very fact that we can have this candid discussion is a freedom that people in many other countries do not have. And this is in large part due to those men and women who have served and sacrificed in our armed forces.

    Victor B, Jason M, msgtknr and warchild 1950 - Thank you all for your dedication and service to this country. I appreciate the time you've served (or are serving) so that we all can have better, more secure lives. My hand is over my heart in honor of you and all your brothers and sisters in arms.

  • Absolutely not! Memorial Day is meant as a reminder for the cost of freedom. It is a memorial to veterans and those that have lost their lives in defense of this country. The author of that article you read should be ashamed.

  • I think whoever wrote that article is arrogant and needs to read some history. Freedom is bought with a price and anyone who would tear down the Military Establishment is anti-establishment. Strong militaries secure peace and freedom. Freedoms are secured and guaranteed by people who fight for them.

    This guy should get on his knees and ask for forgiveness for his unthankfulness for the liberty he enjoys.

    All of the European countries should be thankful, Russia, Africa, Japan, Philipines, the islands, the good world, should remember and give thanks to the American armed forces.

  • I think John Stuart Mill said it best. I know I can't improve on it.

    War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of men better than himself.

  • No. It's a volunteer army that only you can decide if you are going to join. Memorial Day is to honor veterans for their sacrifices.

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