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  • i would say change the fences to wood or even get a wall built that way they cant see each other to try and attack each other also if your dog ever is trying to get to the other dog tryna bite it go out firmly say no and move him away from the fe…
  • Dobermans are lovely dogs, if ou have one from a pup they are great cause then you can train them how you like i have had 3 dobermans in my life all from rspca and had been abused and stuff one i had was a girl and had been beaten and was so small c…
  • Dobermans are lovely dogs, if ou have one from a pup they are great cause then you can train them how you like i have had 3 dobermans in my life all from rspca and had been abused and stuff one i had was a girl and had been beaten and was so small c…
  • Dobermans are lovely dogs, if ou have one from a pup they are great cause then you can train them how you like i have had 3 dobermans in my life all from rspca and had been abused and stuff one i had was a girl and had been beaten and was so small c…
  • i would say change the fences to wood or even get a wall built that way they cant see each other to try and attack each other also if your dog ever is trying to get to the other dog tryna bite it go out firmly say no and move him away from the fe…