Dog behavioral problem?

We have a dog and a fenced in yard. Our neighbor also has a dog and a fenced in yard. The problem is that the fences are wire and have some areas where the dogs could bite each other through the gaps. How do we keep the dogs from fighting each other and possibly hurting each other? I've talked to our vet but she doesn't have any suggestions.


  • Are they really fighting or just playing? If it is chain link fence, you can buy slats meant to give privacy. That may block them. If it is welded wire, the same slats may or may not work. You could also look at putting a finer wire mesh over the wire. You can buy stuff with 1/2'' squares.

  • There are a couple of dog behavioural books which deal with this problem. Personally i am a fan of Caesar Millan, dog whisperer. But i know some people disagree with him. You can youtube him and see if you like his technique. If you do there are some books he has written which will help.

    Also maybe you and your neighbor could invest in a better fence? (i don't mean that in a rude way at all. just an idea).

  • 1) Put wooden fencing panels up.

    2) Electrocute the fence so the dogs get a shock if they touch it.

    3) Use underground 'invisible' electric fence, 12-inches away from the old fence.

  • i would say change the fences to wood or even get a wall built that way they cant see each other to try and attack each other

    also if your dog ever is trying to get to the other dog tryna bite it go out firmly say no and move him away from the fece so he knows not to do it

  • you could try rehabilitation through corrective training, but the safest bet would to be to close off the areas where they can hurt eachother:/

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