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  • The same way one develops high self-esteem, in many cases, they believe the lies people tell them. Or, they can set expectations and obligation upon themselves (or believe that someone has such expectations), that are too high for them to meet. …
  • Nope. It's a simple choice ... and there are no rules for happiness, other than the ones you impose on yourself.
  • Find your approval in yourself; you don't need Daddy's, or anyone elses, approval to be happy, successful or anything else. "Daddy" was just another guy, fate made him your father. Why is "Daddy's" approval more important to …
  • There is nothing wrong with you ... other than you're trying to live up to expectations you believe others have of you ... you're fine, just the way you are. Honestly. The only expectations you have to live up to are your own. If people won't acc…
  • For you, it's whatever you choose to make it. As long as she consents, is legal, and open-minded enough to indulge me, if that be the fetish I choose at the time, what business, or difference, is it? ... and what if playing that role is HER idea?…
  • For you, it's whatever you choose to make it. As long as she consents, is legal, and open-minded enough to indulge me, if that be the fetish I choose at the time, what business, or difference, is it? ... and what if playing that role is HER idea?…
  • There is nothing wrong with you ... other than you're trying to live up to expectations you believe others have of you ... you're fine, just the way you are. Honestly. The only expectations you have to live up to are your own. If people won't acc…
  • Find your approval in yourself; you don't need Daddy's, or anyone elses, approval to be happy, successful or anything else. "Daddy" was just another guy, fate made him your father. Why is "Daddy's" approval more important to …
  • Find your approval in yourself; you don't need Daddy's, or anyone elses, approval to be happy, successful or anything else. "Daddy" was just another guy, fate made him your father. Why is "Daddy's" approval more important to …