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  • no es mas facil llamar a un servicio tecnico y preguntar cuanto sale la pantalla de tu ordenador antes de preguntar por aca?????
  • si te dice eso es que te esta mirando las piernas...... buen comienzo hombre araña!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I have never seen the "self esteem meter". We often measure how we feel on the inside with how others look on the outside, but, we don't know how they are feeling. I agree with working with others, get to meetings, put the chairs or make …
  • I have never seen the "self esteem meter". We often measure how we feel on the inside with how others look on the outside, but, we don't know how they are feeling. I agree with working with others, get to meetings, put the chairs or make …
  • I have never seen the "self esteem meter". We often measure how we feel on the inside with how others look on the outside, but, we don't know how they are feeling. I agree with working with others, get to meetings, put the chairs or make …
  • I have never seen the "self esteem meter". We often measure how we feel on the inside with how others look on the outside, but, we don't know how they are feeling. I agree with working with others, get to meetings, put the chairs or make …
  • Primero de todo: si se puede reiniciar tu modem , y no pasa nada, el solo se vuelve a conectar. Es mas, es bueno reiniciarlo al menos una vez al mes, asi te reconectas por otro servidor y te irá mas fluido el internet. Como hacerlo? Pues muy f…
  • Primero de todo: si se puede reiniciar tu modem , y no pasa nada, el solo se vuelve a conectar. Es mas, es bueno reiniciarlo al menos una vez al mes, asi te reconectas por otro servidor y te irá mas fluido el internet. Como hacerlo? Pues muy f…
  • Primero de todo: si se puede reiniciar tu modem , y no pasa nada, el solo se vuelve a conectar. Es mas, es bueno reiniciarlo al menos una vez al mes, asi te reconectas por otro servidor y te irá mas fluido el internet. Como hacerlo? Pues muy f…
  • I have never seen the "self esteem meter". We often measure how we feel on the inside with how others look on the outside, but, we don't know how they are feeling. I agree with working with others, get to meetings, put the chairs or make …
  • si te dice eso es que te esta mirando las piernas...... buen comienzo hombre araña!!!!!!!!!!!
  • si te dice eso es que te esta mirando las piernas...... buen comienzo hombre araña!!!!!!!!!!!