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  • Rude people who jump queues always think that others are out of order.
  • I suffered from sleep paralysis for amny years. I then had a treatment called cellular healing. I had sleep paralysis once more but found I was able to break it and I have never had it since. I can totally empathise with you because it is terrify…
  • I suffered from sleep paralysis for amny years. I then had a treatment called cellular healing. I had sleep paralysis once more but found I was able to break it and I have never had it since. I can totally empathise with you because it is terrify…
  • I suffered from sleep paralysis for amny years. I then had a treatment called cellular healing. I had sleep paralysis once more but found I was able to break it and I have never had it since. I can totally empathise with you because it is terrify…
  • I suffered from sleep paralysis for amny years. I then had a treatment called cellular healing. I had sleep paralysis once more but found I was able to break it and I have never had it since. I can totally empathise with you because it is terrify…
  • If the stuff is fully digested its not a problem if its not then it is more so as you will not absorb nutrients. If your bowles work perfectly and you eat three meals a day then you should have three poos and they should be easy to pass. If y ou a…
  • If the stuff is fully digested its not a problem if its not then it is more so as you will not absorb nutrients. If your bowles work perfectly and you eat three meals a day then you should have three poos and they should be easy to pass. If y ou a…
  • Use a netty pot with salt water twice a day - after a few days you should start getting lots of gunk out.
  • Use a netty pot with salt water twice a day - after a few days you should start getting lots of gunk out.
  • Use a netty pot with salt water twice a day - after a few days you should start getting lots of gunk out.
  • If the stuff is fully digested its not a problem if its not then it is more so as you will not absorb nutrients. If your bowles work perfectly and you eat three meals a day then you should have three poos and they should be easy to pass. If y ou a…
  • I suffered from sleep paralysis for amny years. I then had a treatment called cellular healing. I had sleep paralysis once more but found I was able to break it and I have never had it since. I can totally empathise with you because it is terrify…