Sleep Paralysis?

Hi, I'm a regular 14 Yer Old Male teen that experiences Sleep Paralysis. Since I was 8-9 I have started to experience SP. I can't Scream, Move, or wake up instantly. My experiences do not happen daily. Each time I go to SP I pray, pray , and pray so I can wake up. I have a bible in my room, one time I left the bible closed my accident and that night I experienced SP 3 times in a row. Today I experienced this again 3 times in a row . It is very terrifying for me, I know my sister is right next to me and I can tell her to wake me up, I pray to God to help me wake up. I want to know why this happens and if there's any other way I can stop it?, is it Sleep Paralysis ?. Please Help. Thank You.


  • Why is it always Christians have demons attacking them whom have supposedly caused this sleep paralysis?

    Some people experience this more than others and it's nothing to do with religious beliefs. Sleep paralysis is also medically known as sleep catharsis. It's your body's own protection method against injuring yourself in your dreams.

    If you experience this relax and allow your body to gradually wake up. This will occur naturally and I promise demons will not attack you. If your priest, pastor, parson or reverend says otherwise then I suggest you find yourself a new church.

  • I suffered from sleep paralysis for amny years. I then had a treatment called cellular healing. I had sleep paralysis once more but found I was able to break it and I have never had it since. I can totally empathise with you because it is terrifying and draining especially when you are experiencing several times in a night. I am very happy it is no longer part of my life.

  • In my personal experience, you don't want to "wake up;" you want to fall back asleep. Sleep paralysis IS being awake, but your body is still paralyzed to keep you from acting out your dreams and hurting yourself. This is because you're waking up at a critical point in your sleep cycle. The opposite of this is sleepwalking, because you're dreaming, but you're not paralyzed like you should be. Both of these things are often caused by severe stress or exhaustion. Sleep paralysis is almost always accompanied by panic because you feel like, for some reason, you're unsafe. You sometimes hallucinate and think you cannot escape an entity that is not there or, like me, you feel like you're suffocating but can't do anything about it. Just remember that you're not in danger. You probably feel like you're suffocating because your body is at the point where all of your vitals are slowing. That's normal. Just remember that you're safe. It feels like something horrible is going to happen. It won't. You're scared because you feel defenseless, but you're not supposed to be able to move; you're not supposed to be awake. Try to remember that everything is okay and sleep.

    The more you panic, the more active your mind will be, and you'll stay awake longer, but you probably still won't be able to move. That's why you need to relax. You don't need to move.

  • God doesn't exist and sleep paralysis is a natural phenomenon. Sleep paralysis happens to everyone, most people just aren't awake during it, however, there's hundreds of thousands of people who are. Being awake during sleep paralysis is incredibly common and incredibly natural. It can be frightening at times, sure, but just remember when you're awake that it was just a dream and go on with your life. If it really is a bother to you, see your doctor.

  • Please know that sometimes sleep paralysis is sometimes related to other health conditions or IS a symptom of another health condition. Please look into conditions like, narcalepsy and epilepsy. Small focal seizures can cause a paralysis like state (AND YES YOU CAN BE AWARE DURING A SEIZURE AND YOU DO NOT ALWAYS CONVULSE or shake. And in general many have seizures only during sleep (especially as they are drifting to sleep or waking up). Become familiar with other focal seizure symptoms (some use the older term "aura"). Frequent dejavu spells, stomach, heart or other autonomic symptoms, odd sensations, feeling like your in a dream like state etc. Here are some links (you want to become familiar with simple and complex focal seizures)

    The seizure that may be responsible for temporary paralysis might be negative motor or similar

  • don't sleep on your back, and don't go to bed too tired.

    I get sleep paralysis every time i sleep on my back and quite a lot when I'm really tired, but never get it any other times.

    (I don't think your SP is related to your religion, I used to believe in God and I would get it quite a lot. my belief faded and now I barely get it at all)

  • Sleep paralysis occurs when your brain wakes up but your body is still asleep so you are momentarily paralysed.

    Sometimes sleeping on your back can trigger it off.

  • Sorry, honey. God ain't waking you up... you gotta wake yourself up. Use those hands to go by some medicine or just go to bed early instead of for praying to air.

    Why are you Christian? Probably because your parents are...



    You've seen firsthand praying doesn't work. Now you can begin your life as a happy, medicated atheist.

  • It sounds like there's a demon that's trying to gain access to you. The only way to prevent this is to stay resolute in your faith and pray harder.

  • Praying, as you have found, doesn't help. What does help is going to bed early and getting reasonable amounts of sleep.

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