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  • ve a la embajada de Canada en tu pais y pregunta si hay vacantes en alguna empresa Canadiense y asunto resuelto.
  • Usually you would associate the exotic sculptures outside the Khajuraho temple to celebration of Life or Celebration of fertility of nature etc etc. But the according to the Shaastras its not so. According to the Shaastras, whenever a person enters…
  • Usually you would associate the exotic sculptures outside the Khajuraho temple to celebration of Life or Celebration of fertility of nature etc etc. But the according to the Shaastras its not so. According to the Shaastras, whenever a person enters…
  • i welcome cirticism in a decent way on my face even and dont require any body to praise either on my back or on face as i dont think its necessary for me though i do it on face and back also.But criticism i avoid
  • i welcome cirticism in a decent way on my face even and dont require any body to praise either on my back or on face as i dont think its necessary for me though i do it on face and back also.But criticism i avoid
  • lo mas seguro esque las balatas delanteras se esten acabando, y hay algunas que tienen un indicador que cuando ya llegan casi a desgastarse rosa con el disco y esto ocasiona el rechinido, llevalo con tu mecanico y dille que revise la vida de las bal…
  • lo mas seguro esque las balatas delanteras se esten acabando, y hay algunas que tienen un indicador que cuando ya llegan casi a desgastarse rosa con el disco y esto ocasiona el rechinido, llevalo con tu mecanico y dille que revise la vida de las bal…
  • i welcome cirticism in a decent way on my face even and dont require any body to praise either on my back or on face as i dont think its necessary for me though i do it on face and back also.But criticism i avoid
  • Usually you would associate the exotic sculptures outside the Khajuraho temple to celebration of Life or Celebration of fertility of nature etc etc. But the according to the Shaastras its not so. According to the Shaastras, whenever a person enters…
  • ve a la embajada de Canada en tu pais y pregunta si hay vacantes en alguna empresa Canadiense y asunto resuelto.