Praise or criticism ?

What you like ? Criticism on your face and praise on u r back

or praise on u r face and criticism on your back.


  • I would prefer criticism on my face and prasie on my face.

    Reason - Criticsim is a very important element to grow in life whether it's career or as an individual,but it depends, sometimes we get positive criticsim which helps us to recognise our mistakes and motivates to learn from our mistakes,which remains in our memory for the rest of our life and be cautious in future and helps us to sharpen our senses and direct in the right directions of life.

    Negative Criticism - The impact of negative criticism is worse why? many a times it brings down the confidence of a person,when the criticism is actually not a criticism,but it is done with intention of hurting the feelings of a person constantly..the only way is ignore such criticism telling it yourself that it's a negative criticism.

    Praising - It can be divided into two major ascepts of life.To mention it can be said as Positive praising and Negative Praising.

    Positive Praising - Helps in building confidence,which inturn motivates him/her to be from a better performer to best performer(start performer),praising can be through verbal,perks and manymore,and it helps in working on his/her weekness and brings out the hidden talent in the right direction.

    Negative Praising - Leaves a negative remark,unnecessary praising for which he/she doesnot deserve.

    For example : At office an employee works day in and out which includes exhibiting his talents smartly and is recognised at the end of the year with a promotion,perks or salary hike,the same employee will ensure to work more harder to give it a best shot in his project,and if any mistakes are committed during the tensure,put it across to him in a positive manner,he/she will put in 101% to rectify the same and will improvise in future.

    This is called positive criticism and positive praising

    Example 2: Same example of office,on the other desk you find an employee wastin his/her time and not doing anything productive,not helping his/her team to over come any hinderance,not helping to finish the work,but since he/she is close to the boss/team leader/project manager,but with influence he/she reaches the level easily(how will they understand what is hardwork) yet at appraisal good report is submitted and gets the benefits, - this is called negative praising. there are many such instances which can be quoted in life.

    All we have to do is just like what animals do while eating,pick the best fruit to eat and stay healthy and discard the rotten or unripped fruit...pick positive criticism and positive praising and move on...

    What happens when their is praising on your back and criticism on face - Instead of getting motivated,he/she will be greatly demotivated.

    What happens when their is prasing on face and criticism on back - They get motivated but never get to learn from their mistakes and conti to do wonderful same mistakes which will not help them to grow in life..

  • Criticism on my face and praise on my back because I would rather someone criticize me to my face than behind my back. I would rather people be honest and talk good about me when I am not around. Because you know of course no one likes two faced people. I know I don't

  • Criticism on my face and praise on my back!

  • Hi friend.........

    Hows ur mother-in-law??? Hope she is fine now..........

    Definitely criticism on your face and praise on u r back, coz this is what true friends do coz they care about us...and don't expect anything from us in return....

    Praise on u r face and criticism on your back is what fake friends do to please us to get some advantage through us.... so we should be very careful with them

    Have a great day :-)

  • criticism on my face n praise on my back:)

    but criticism should not be too harsh n praise should not be flattering!!


  • It depends on the circumstances .if a person criticises positively so that i can improve ,i will accept it gladly.if a person praise me for my good efforts then it can work as a motivational factor

  • you are able to definitely not be kept via criticism and praise needs to be useful and or trustworthy....yet i'd propose assertive and confident suggestion see you later because the man giving the suggestion definitely knows of what they're discussing is maximum in all danger the first-cost suggestion i will take care of to provide. regrettably there are a lengthy thanks to countless to say advisers interior the marketplace who confuse sympathy with empathy and supplies suggestion in maintaining with their own thoughts fairly than empathising and seeing concerns via the eyes of the man they're getting all the way down to help...continuously keep in recommendations friendship is continuously a sweet responsibility, in no way an chance

  • every one doesnt like critisism on their face... to say honestly i lilke praise on face...but critisicm on face helps us to improve ourselves... so though it doesnt taste good i prefer criticism on my face... but if they dont criticise me or praise me on my face i dont mind... but i hate criticism on the back... i hate such people..thank god im not such a person by nature

  • CONSTRUCTIVE criticism to my face as i can improve with others help and suggestions then.

  • i welcome cirticism in a decent way on my face even and dont require any body to praise either on my back or on face as i dont think its necessary for me though i do it on face and back also.But criticism i avoid

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