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  • ....mira no solo los emos grafitean, y no todos lo hacen, ahi no hay especificamente quien lo haga, lo ha hecho hasta el que menos te imaginas... Y si, que lastima que pase en méxico pero pues que se puede hacer, estuvo bien lo que hiciste y hay mu…
  • DO NOT TRY IT! you will severely injured not to mention your legal bills. There is great liability in this action so try this instead; use a cam corder and record their unlawfully behavior and send a copy to your local representative and one to a…
  • DO NOT TRY IT! you will severely injured not to mention your legal bills. There is great liability in this action so try this instead; use a cam corder and record their unlawfully behavior and send a copy to your local representative and one to a…
  • Ay a mi también me pasaba! pero yo si tengo el mozilla firefox y aun as me pasa quien sabe que sea no es justo los ratos de ocio se van ahi hahaha
  • I Love gossip girl :) . I love blair I think she has this inner sexyness in her and always looks so put together ! Serena is beautiful and I love her clothes on the show but blair is prettier XD .
  • I Love gossip girl :) . I love blair I think she has this inner sexyness in her and always looks so put together ! Serena is beautiful and I love her clothes on the show but blair is prettier XD .
  • I Love gossip girl :) . I love blair I think she has this inner sexyness in her and always looks so put together ! Serena is beautiful and I love her clothes on the show but blair is prettier XD .
  • Ay a mi también me pasaba! pero yo si tengo el mozilla firefox y aun as me pasa quien sabe que sea no es justo los ratos de ocio se van ahi hahaha
  • DO NOT TRY IT! you will severely injured not to mention your legal bills. There is great liability in this action so try this instead; use a cam corder and record their unlawfully behavior and send a copy to your local representative and one to a…
  • ....mira no solo los emos grafitean, y no todos lo hacen, ahi no hay especificamente quien lo haga, lo ha hecho hasta el que menos te imaginas... Y si, que lastima que pase en méxico pero pues que se puede hacer, estuvo bien lo que hiciste y hay mu…