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  • Food is brought near the cell mouth(cytostome) through the ciliary movement.It enters the gullet and is finally pinched off into the food vacuole and comes to the cytoplasm where is it is acted upon the digestive enzymes while moving in circular fas…
  • It does not affect social life as much as tuberculosis. However, a person suffering from malaria is a carrier of Plasmodium and he/she can infect an Anopheles.
  • A genetic material has to be some kind of permanent in nature as it has to pass from one generation to another. Single-strandedness will render it vulnerable to enzymatic attack.
  • What do you mean by decent result? I hope you want to keep yourself fit, and not become wrestler. In that case, you might add some yogic exercise to it and keep a check on what you are eating. You have to strike a balance between diet and exercise…
  • What do you mean by decent result? I hope you want to keep yourself fit, and not become wrestler. In that case, you might add some yogic exercise to it and keep a check on what you are eating. You have to strike a balance between diet and exercise…
  • What do you mean by decent result? I hope you want to keep yourself fit, and not become wrestler. In that case, you might add some yogic exercise to it and keep a check on what you are eating. You have to strike a balance between diet and exercise…
  • A genetic material has to be some kind of permanent in nature as it has to pass from one generation to another. Single-strandedness will render it vulnerable to enzymatic attack.
  • A genetic material has to be some kind of permanent in nature as it has to pass from one generation to another. Single-strandedness will render it vulnerable to enzymatic attack.
  • Food is brought near the cell mouth(cytostome) through the ciliary movement.It enters the gullet and is finally pinched off into the food vacuole and comes to the cytoplasm where is it is acted upon the digestive enzymes while moving in circular fas…