50 situps a day?

Ive been doing 50 situps a day for around a week now. Combined with cardio exercise and a decent diet, will I get 'decent' results from it eventually?


  • What do you mean by decent result?

    I hope you want to keep yourself fit, and not become wrestler.

    In that case, you might add some yogic exercise to it and keep a check on what you are eating. You have to strike a balance between diet and exercise. The end result will be fine.

  • Eventually, yes. Any exercise done on a regular basis will give positive results in time. If you are only doing 1 exercise, then it may take a bit longer than you may want it to, but it will help.

    Are you able to do more than 50? How about at different times throughout the day? If you could do 3-5 sets of sit-ups of 30-50 sit-ups throughout the day, you'll get faster results than just doing 50 per day. Good luck!

  • hi mate, well i do around 300 a day, all within a 2 hour spot. but instead of doing the whole sit up, i do the crunch sit ups or crunch thrusts, im not sure what you might call it, well its the same, but you only go about 1/4 way that you would with a sit up and has near enugh the same effect and is less harmful for your. it also is v.v. good for your neck muscles and will start to give you a great effect on ur abs within a fortnight or so. with these tho, you can manage around 300 if not 500 a day and takes around a minute to do 50!

  • Eventually yes. But if you really want real results, vary your ab exercises. If you keep doing the same thing (sit ups) over and over you'll hit a plateu and stop getting any gains.

    Kudos for mentioning cardio and diet to along with your exercise; many people believe that by just doing ab exercises they will get results.

  • Yeah in my opinion it is really effective.A few years ago I used to always try to do at least 50 situps before bed every day.back then I used to have a flat stomach with hardly any fat..Just try not to do them to much once you lose the weight and tone up because if you do to many you will begin to develop a 4 pack like me haha

  • Yes if you do this for a period of time you will see results. But dont just do 50 situps. If you do your body will get usedt o that emount and it wont be working. So everytime you do them do as many as you can. This will help out alot. Also try doing as many pushups as you can do within 2 minutes. That always helps too.

  • help u out a litle, lots of water lots like a gallon and 100 situps 50 morning 50 night make sure u feel it if not try sumother ab workouts

  • Mate, I can do 69 situps in 2 minutes.

    Start doing timed situps and keep a log of how many you can do in a set about of time.That way you will improve your performance.

  • yes you will get results but if you don't add more sit ups daily or make change your sit ups to harder or more complicated sit ups. or more effecient sit up work out then your results will stay pretty much the same if your number of reps and the work out stays the same. I used to do 300 sit ups a day. Doing 150 sit ups in a row. But i noticed that one side of my abs was alittle more developed si you also gotta make sure you do them exactaly symetrical because i used to do the workouts by myself. I don't have work out buddies our partners to help me. Its better if you have a person hold your legs inward together and your feet to make sure your sit up is perfectly symetrical at all times.

  • It all depends on how much fat you have on your body to start with and just how good your diet is..... 50 sit ups is not that much to be honest and to get great abs it consists of 70% good diet (fruit and veg) and cutting out fat. But you wont see it happen that quick and if anyone tells you different then they are dilusional.

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