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  • dreme fraiche is a fresh cheese, and a lot less salty and greasy than crema natural. Creme fraiche is lighter in flavour and can be used for a ot more (imo).Crema is too heavy for me, but has that slightly tangy sour cream flavour. Fraiche is a l…
  • dull gray or white pork chops- AGH!! The worst. To get browned crispy you need either sugar, honey, mustard, or soysauce ( SO good) on a marinade coating the chops AND you need to make them use the fatty bits they have, to cook in, not just sim…
  • dull gray or white pork chops- AGH!! The worst. To get browned crispy you need either sugar, honey, mustard, or soysauce ( SO good) on a marinade coating the chops AND you need to make them use the fatty bits they have, to cook in, not just sim…
  • dull gray or white pork chops- AGH!! The worst. To get browned crispy you need either sugar, honey, mustard, or soysauce ( SO good) on a marinade coating the chops AND you need to make them use the fatty bits they have, to cook in, not just sim…
  • dull gray or white pork chops- AGH!! The worst. To get browned crispy you need either sugar, honey, mustard, or soysauce ( SO good) on a marinade coating the chops AND you need to make them use the fatty bits they have, to cook in, not just sim…
  • dull gray or white pork chops- AGH!! The worst. To get browned crispy you need either sugar, honey, mustard, or soysauce ( SO good) on a marinade coating the chops AND you need to make them use the fatty bits they have, to cook in, not just sim…
  • dull gray or white pork chops- AGH!! The worst. To get browned crispy you need either sugar, honey, mustard, or soysauce ( SO good) on a marinade coating the chops AND you need to make them use the fatty bits they have, to cook in, not just sim…
  • dreme fraiche is a fresh cheese, and a lot less salty and greasy than crema natural. Creme fraiche is lighter in flavour and can be used for a ot more (imo).Crema is too heavy for me, but has that slightly tangy sour cream flavour. Fraiche is a l…