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  • MAC cosmetics are best. U know that guy who did Nicole Kidman's make up one time? David .. something? I forgot his last name. Well I met that guy and asked for advice for EVERYTHING. Well, huge process but I learnt a lot! MAC cosmetics are definitel…
  • It can be in some ways. Like for instance we might think that things were so much better years ago, when it was not that much better. However, I happen to like certain styles and decor of the 1920's and 1930's, so in that respect I think differently…
  • Personally, out of those two i'd choose Famous Footwear. There's more of a choice!
  • A Psalm is a song or melody. You might get some good ideas by reading Psalms which David wrote to Jehovah. Here is one I really like: Psalm 83:18 That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the ear…
  • A Psalm is a song or melody. You might get some good ideas by reading Psalms which David wrote to Jehovah. Here is one I really like: Psalm 83:18 That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the ear…
  • Personally, out of those two i'd choose Famous Footwear. There's more of a choice!
  • It can be in some ways. Like for instance we might think that things were so much better years ago, when it was not that much better. However, I happen to like certain styles and decor of the 1920's and 1930's, so in that respect I think differently…
  • It can be in some ways. Like for instance we might think that things were so much better years ago, when it was not that much better. However, I happen to like certain styles and decor of the 1920's and 1930's, so in that respect I think differently…
  • MAC cosmetics are best. U know that guy who did Nicole Kidman's make up one time? David .. something? I forgot his last name. Well I met that guy and asked for advice for EVERYTHING. Well, huge process but I learnt a lot! MAC cosmetics are definitel…