How do i write a psalm?

It has to be something I can be funny lol (I can think of it on my own!) I just need the formate of how to write it, how long it has to be and what is in it?? Thanks I was absent from school for 3 days so im behind


  • A Psalm is a song or melody. You might get some good ideas by reading Psalms which David wrote to Jehovah. Here is one I really like:

    Psalm 83:18 That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah,

    You alone are the Most High over all the earth.

  • All Hail the X-Box 360! Thus it was written by godjesus on the twenty third day of lentil soup that gravity became an oxymoron capable of giving flight to cats and making trolls think.

  • This is why the world is so messed up because people waste there time doing stuff like this. Learn some real stuff you can use to contribute to this planet.

  • I recommend that you use a pencil and paper. Best of luck with your homework assignment.

  • Why don't you concentrate on some real homework?

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