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  • Current science suggests that homosexuality is mostly genetic, with the environment of the mothers womb playing a BIG role. There's a lot of different theories for genetics, research it if you care enough. That said, I believe society can also pl…
  • Well, if you look up to a character then sure a kid may try to imitate it, but not so much that their personality will change for ever. But that's just what Japan think will appeal to a wider audience. Like if you look at games, ours are constant…
  • Well, if you look up to a character then sure a kid may try to imitate it, but not so much that their personality will change for ever. But that's just what Japan think will appeal to a wider audience. Like if you look at games, ours are constant…
  • Well, one thing is for sure; it's nothing that it's trying to be. I'm bisexual, I guess you could also call me Transgender as well and I'm extremely against the current gay pride parades. They do nothing of what we should be doing, right now we s…
  • Well, one thing is for sure; it's nothing that it's trying to be. I'm bisexual, I guess you could also call me Transgender as well and I'm extremely against the current gay pride parades. They do nothing of what we should be doing, right now we s…
  • Well, if you look up to a character then sure a kid may try to imitate it, but not so much that their personality will change for ever. But that's just what Japan think will appeal to a wider audience. Like if you look at games, ours are constant…