Purpose of gay pride parades?

To start off, I don't hate gays. All humns are equal.

But I wonder what the purpose of those silly parades all over the world is?

I mean where I live they report like 3 hours from the capital city about the parade, like they're trying to PROMOTE homosexuality (sure they should enlight the masses about rights and all that, but it seems like they're almost promoting it).

Really in my opinion it's just some weirdos dancing around in some weird clothes to some half crappy music?????

A guy just called me an idiot for believing that (random guy over internet). "Talking to stupid people like you makes me feel very smart", he said.

If I'm REALLY that ignorant, enlighten me. Don't go hard like this guy, i just wanna learn.

If he REALLY HAS MORE INTELLIGENCE, than me, you know what i have more of? Manners.

So please I'm just asking.



@Envy Is My God


How do these people marching around like that expect me (and millions of people around the world) to take their agendas seriously?

I like the answer from the 18 year old gay guy.

It's promoting because there's sooooooo much attention around it. I can't change channel without getting updated about the parade.

What part of "in my opinion" don't you get? Maybe you should learn to read.


  • This is a very common concern even within the gay community. I personally believe that the stereotypes that the modern parades promote are highly offensive. Gay pride is fine, but it needs to be toned down because it's basically the most extreme elements of the gay community only. I'm gay and I don't fit those ridiculous stereotypes, so I feel like the parades should be more inspirational rather than being one big party.

  • they're to show that we're not ashamed of ourselves for our sexual orientation, because for a long time homosexuals(bisexuals etc...) were told to be ashamed, that it's wrong, and the parades are to show we have as much right to be proud of ourselves as straight people, to show we won't be oppressed or made to feel ashamed, also how is it promoting homosexuality? sexual orientation can't be changed, at most they're promoting homosexual rights, the term weirdos and crappy music are opinions, what's weird to you is normal to others, and what's bad or good music to you is different to others, you should learn that the entire world doesn't share your opinion, by the way calling people weirdos and insulting their taste in music means you don't have a great of manners as you think

    (edit:) well it was that guy you were complaining about opinion that you're stupid, it doesn't change that it's a rude opinion, and so you're no more polite than that that guy, you were both expressing rude opinions, so you can either express your own rude opinion and not complain about others, or not express yours and complain about him, also gays don't have an "agenda" gays/the lgbt community want the equal rights we deserve that's all, also i have never seen as much coverage on the pride parade as you seem to, maybe you're watching the wrong channels, what's wrong with the attention from pride parades? i see straight people seeking attention all the time, just not as a unified group, the point of the parades are to show that we won't be oppressed, it's that simple

  • The purpose is simple. Gay Pride is there to show that we exist, that we are not going anywhere, that we are not ashamed to be who we are, and that we celebrate our individuality and differences from other people, as well as our similarities.

    Gay people were (and still are) persecuted, silenced, made to feel ashamed of their personality and desires, and threatened, day in day out. St. Petersburg and the Ukraine are good examples, where "gag laws" are either in effect or are voted on, trying to silence us completely. By showing some pride, we are not letting the world forget that we are humans, too. It is in an overly loud and flamboyant manner to celebrate differences and to really show we are here.

    I'm not a fan of the stereotype, either, and the strange clothing and music can be too much for my taste. However, since Pride is also a show of individuality, who am I to tell people they cannot behave like that, as long as they don't do any harm? Since that would be very hypocritical of me. Pride is about being who we are. And some gay people really are that flamboyant.

    Pride is not a promotion. Whether or not people report is not due to it being Pride, it's because it is a story to report on. However, broadcasting Pride is a great way of showing that we are here and that we celebrate our lives, and that people can not suppress us. Especially since straight pride is shown and broadcast everywhere every day: couples openly kissing and/or holding hands on the street, movies, advertising, that sort of thing.

  • Really you have no prob against gay??

    Anyways... How are we going to be accepted (though, we want to be "included") if still there's not enough visibility.

    In all honestly I do think some LGBT people go too far... but, just as with the black movement, sometimes you have to push hard so you get some recognition.

    It's not "promotion" of homosexuality since you can impose sexual attraction onto someone else.

    It's more about asking for acceptance and respect (which we still don't get)...

    You put "in my opinion" a lot... and indeed, you are entitled to one; but you could use better words to express yourself. "Weirdos" is not the best choice; yet you want to portrait yourself as a toletant person.

    "Flamboyant" might be a better word without sounding insulting.

    (Why would they be weird, anyways?)

  • For many, many years being gay meant that someone was ostracized, hated, and abused or could even be killed. Being gay meant that you were less than a second class citizen. It was not all that long ago that any gay activities were illegal. Being fired for no other reason than being homosexual was pretty much the way it was. My best friend was a teacher in New Jersey. She was fired when the school district found out that she was a lesbian.

    And on that subject, here in Portland in 1988 or 89 a group of teachers marched in our parade with bags over their heads. They were masked because being recognized meant a great deal of trouble.

    Gay sex was illegal in many places. It was not until 2003 that the US Supreme Court found that such sodomy laws were unconstitutional (Lawrence v. Texas). Think about this: that was only nine years ago.

    Now thanks to the sheer guts of those who marched and protested things have improved immensely. No longer can the police raid gay bars for no other reason than that they were places for gay people to gather.

    Look up Stonewall to get an idea of what it was like. In those days "Coming out" was an act that took a great deal of courage.

    Gay pride came from the realization that gay people needed to stand up, to say "we resent being treated this way and we are not going to take it anymore." It was a way to say we are here and we have every right to live our lives the way we like.

    Personally I believe that Gay Pride celebrations have largely served their purpose, at least in many places. In Knoxville or Billings it still takes courage and resolve to march and be seen. In New York or San Francisco they are just a big party and probably counterproductive. Certainly no guts are required.

  • Not even 50 years ago people were saying that you can't really be attracted to the same sex, it's just an unethical choice that you make. And now that most people have accepted that its not a choice, there are still people saying "well, I guess if you have to be gay, could you just not flount it around?" And they get picked on all the time growing up if they are open about it, so the parades are saying "yeah, look, I can wear rainbows and dance in the street if I want to, you can't stop me-- I can be gay if I want to, you can't stop me"

  • Depending on where they live, homosexuals generally spend at least some time hiding their true sexuality. Pride is an over-the-top celebration where it's encouraged not to hide any part of your sexuality. I'm generally not a fan of these displays, but it is nice to go to a safe, public place and be able to hold hands with my boyfriend without fear due to the overwhelming number of surrounding supporters. Keep in mind that, in context, these crazy displays are no more crazy than the guy who shows up dressed like Patrick Henry to the 4th of July party.

  • Well, one thing is for sure; it's nothing that it's trying to be.

    I'm bisexual, I guess you could also call me Transgender as well and I'm extremely against the current gay pride parades. They do nothing of what we should be doing, right now we still don't get treated very well in our society, and showing the world how proud we are is NOT going to fix that. It does the complete opposite, it further enforces the views that homophobes have and it might push people the wrong way who are on the fence of LGBT issues.

    It's funny, I get so angry with the media when I see a gay character and how stereotypical he is. And here we have the gay community themselves doing the exact same, if not even worse than what any cartoon or movie could do. It's embarrassing.

  • I definitely do not think you are an ididot or even particularly ignorant, you just don't understand it which is fine.

    Basically Pride is meant for us gays to actually see that we aren't alone and tio feel like we are part of something big. Because there is so much conflict between gay people and homophobes in the govournment, people feel like there is a competiotion to be heard which it is why it is announced so early. I don't think it is promoting it, it is really just to raise awareness that it is something real. xD

  • Pride parades are generally held in larger cities, but its purpose is to gather those from the LGBT community together. People from smaller towns that do not usually have support within their communities find it comforting to be among others who are similar. The dancing and clothing can be rather strange, but it is meant to be fun, and to make bypassers less sensitive to seeing same-sex couples, transgenders, and cross dressers.

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