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  • An apple a day will not keep the doctor away if you live on junk food every day plus an apple every day. Besides an apple a day you must eat a healthy diet as well. An apple a day is a good supplement to a healthy diet but it cannot replace a health…
  • If it doesn't move you HAVE to have a c-section if you want this baby to be born alive and so you don't hemorrhage out. Just see if the placenta moves, it often can but doesn't always.
  • If it doesn't move you HAVE to have a c-section if you want this baby to be born alive and so you don't hemorrhage out. Just see if the placenta moves, it often can but doesn't always.
  • Oh thanks for the news! I was really wondering for a while there.
  • Why would it be up to me to make the money to pay for a vehicle? No, really, why the hell should I have an income in addition to my husband's to pay for the household expenses when really he needs to pay for the cost of me being home and taking ca…
  • Why would it be up to me to make the money to pay for a vehicle? No, really, why the hell should I have an income in addition to my husband's to pay for the household expenses when really he needs to pay for the cost of me being home and taking ca…
  • This isn't exactly a draft for top superstars but they will give props to Brady Quinn (Overrated) and Jamarcus Russell, if he decides to leave. Troy Smith will probably be drafted as a receiver or athlete type of player. Ted Ginn has a good shot of …
  • 說出真相是很困難的事,人們總是用各種理由來隱瞞真相 然而,越是隱瞞真相,人們就越想打開通往真相的大門 卻不知道在那裡,有什麼在等待自己… 所珍惜的人,向你隱瞞真相,這也許是為了不讓你受傷,是愛的一種表現 但是人們,總想揭露這個真相,然後後悔,後悔為…
  • 說出真相是很困難的事,人們總是用各種理由來隱瞞真相 然而,越是隱瞞真相,人們就越想打開通往真相的大門 卻不知道在那裡,有什麼在等待自己… 所珍惜的人,向你隱瞞真相,這也許是為了不讓你受傷,是愛的一種表現 但是人們,總想揭露這個真相,然後後悔,後悔為…
  • 說出真相是很困難的事,人們總是用各種理由來隱瞞真相 然而,越是隱瞞真相,人們就越想打開通往真相的大門 卻不知道在那裡,有什麼在等待自己… 所珍惜的人,向你隱瞞真相,這也許是為了不讓你受傷,是愛的一種表現 但是人們,總想揭露這個真相,然後後悔,後悔為…
  • 說出真相是很困難的事,人們總是用各種理由來隱瞞真相 然而,越是隱瞞真相,人們就越想打開通往真相的大門 卻不知道在那裡,有什麼在等待自己… 所珍惜的人,向你隱瞞真相,這也許是為了不讓你受傷,是愛的一種表現 但是人們,總想揭露這個真相,然後後悔,後悔為…
  • This isn't exactly a draft for top superstars but they will give props to Brady Quinn (Overrated) and Jamarcus Russell, if he decides to leave. Troy Smith will probably be drafted as a receiver or athlete type of player. Ted Ginn has a good shot of …
  • Why would it be up to me to make the money to pay for a vehicle? No, really, why the hell should I have an income in addition to my husband's to pay for the household expenses when really he needs to pay for the cost of me being home and taking ca…
  • Why would it be up to me to make the money to pay for a vehicle? No, really, why the hell should I have an income in addition to my husband's to pay for the household expenses when really he needs to pay for the cost of me being home and taking ca…
  • Why would it be up to me to make the money to pay for a vehicle? No, really, why the hell should I have an income in addition to my husband's to pay for the household expenses when really he needs to pay for the cost of me being home and taking ca…
  • If it doesn't move you HAVE to have a c-section if you want this baby to be born alive and so you don't hemorrhage out. Just see if the placenta moves, it often can but doesn't always.