placenta covering OS plz advise 1st baby?

My Placent iscovering OS hospital hoped it would move naturally but it hasn't they have told me im due to have a Growth scan ( Friday ) for final decision on whether ill have too have ce-sarian section delivery

Anybody else had placenta problems and had natural birth?


  • Sorry Ethel meant to give you thumbs up. IF the placenta is in the way when you go into labor then you can hemmorage and bleed to death before baby is even near coming out

  • If you have placenta previa at 20 weeks and it is covering the entire os then it is very unlikely that the placenta would migrate away from the cervix. A partial previa would have moe of a chance but if it is centered right over the os then I fear you are stuck. Obviously if you have a complete previa then you will have to have a cesarean section there is no other way to safely deliver. There is an entire chapter on placental myths in the source book below

  • If it doesn't move you HAVE to have a c-section if you want this baby to be born alive and so you don't hemorrhage out. Just see if the placenta moves, it often can but doesn't always.

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