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  • u look about 19. i love the dress! and im so jealous of your skin tone
  • could be lyme disease or whatever, lol one EASY EASY SAFE way to get a tick off, is just put nailpolish right on it. it suffocates them, and theyll try to back out of your skin some, but die. then you just pull it right off! i think that was the o…
  • could be lyme disease or whatever, lol one EASY EASY SAFE way to get a tick off, is just put nailpolish right on it. it suffocates them, and theyll try to back out of your skin some, but die. then you just pull it right off! i think that was the o…
  • umm i suggest you to use the bathroom when school starts and ends and when ever u need becos this happened to me once i accidently pee'd when i right in front of my door like opening it when my keys i peed in my pants happen twice at the same place…
  • umm i suggest you to use the bathroom when school starts and ends and when ever u need becos this happened to me once i accidently pee'd when i right in front of my door like opening it when my keys i peed in my pants happen twice at the same place…
  • could be lyme disease or whatever, lol one EASY EASY SAFE way to get a tick off, is just put nailpolish right on it. it suffocates them, and theyll try to back out of your skin some, but die. then you just pull it right off! i think that was the o…
  • u look about 19. i love the dress! and im so jealous of your skin tone