Is my tick bite serious?

About 2 weeks ago I found a tick on my leg..i think i pulled the head with it but im not sure. couple days ago I felt kinda sick(felt like a sinus infection with congestion). but now i feel alot better not even a lil sick. but i seem to have a little joint soreness on my lower back..


i dont have the bulleyes rash...but it is a tiny rash and a lil itchy


  • Any tick bite is serious. I'm assuming it's not a deer tick which could give you Lyme disease, but ticks of any kind can be dangerous. Go in and have it checked out just to be safe

  • One effective sign of Lyme affliction is a around, pink rash that spreads on the positioning of a tick bite. This rash can get very great. Flu-like indicators are additionally very common. human beings interior the early ranges of Lyme affliction could experience very drained and have problems, sore muscle mass and joints, and a fever. those indicators can commence at any time, from 3 days as much as a month when you have been bitten. some human beings haven't any indicators whilst they're interior the early ranges of Lyme affliction. and that they could not even bear in mind getting a tick bite.

  • could be lyme disease or whatever, lol one EASY EASY SAFE way to get a tick off, is just put nailpolish right on it. it suffocates them, and theyll try to back out of your skin some, but die. then you just pull it right off!

    i think that was the only time i ever listened to my grandpa. haha

  • go to the doctor!! this sounds like lyme disease. all the symptoms you said are apart of lymes disease. it can be serious.

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